Intro: Erect perennial of sandhills and other dry, sandy woodlands.
Stems: Stems from a woody crown, usually much-branched from the base, minutely hairy.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile, spreading to ascending, oblong-lance-shaped with tapered base, entire or irregularly toothed only in the upper half, gland-dotted beneath and hairy.
Flowers: Narrow, erect, fuzzy-appearing composite flowers (heads) in branching, terminal cluster, the branches of which are very hairy; heads about 1/3 in. long, each consisting of about 5 tiny, bright white, 5-lobed, tubular florets with 2 protruding styles. A series of hairy, green, narrow bracts surround the base of each head.
Comments: Flowers are notably whiter than those of other white Eupatoriums.
Height: 1-2 1/2 ft.
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description: Erect perennial of sandhills and other dry, sandy woodlands.
stems: Stems from a woody crown, usually much-branched from the base, minutely hairy.
leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile, spreading to ascending, oblong-lance-shaped with tapered base, entire or irregularly toothed only in the upper half, gland-dotted beneath and hairy.
flowers: Narrow, erect, fuzzy-appearing composite flowers (heads) in branching, terminal cluster, the branches of which are very hairy; heads about 1/3 in. long, each consisting of about 5 tiny, bright white, 5-lobed, tubular florets with 2 protruding styles. A series of hairy, green, narrow bracts surround the base of each head.
comments: Flowers are notably whiter than those of other white Eupatoriums.
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