Solidago salicina Elliott. Subgenus: Pleiactila. Section: Argutae. Subsection: Patulae. Southern Roughleaf Goldenrod. Phen: Sep-Oct. Hab: Streamhead pocosins, sandhill seepages, swamp edges, rarely inland in seepage over rock. Dist: Primarily Coastal Plain: se. VA south to Panhandle FL, west to se. OK and e. TX, and somewhat disjunct in the Ozarks and Ouachitas of MO and AR, also rarely reaching the lower Piedmont; disjunct in w. SC in the uppermost Piedmont in the Blue Ridge Escarpment region.
Origin/Endemic status: Endemic
Taxonomy Comments: Semple, Tong, & Pastolero (2012) have clarified the taxonomy, distribution, and nomenclature of this and S. patula.
Synonymy: = K3, K4, S, Tx, Semple et al (2021), Semple, Tong, & Pastolero (2012); = Solidago patula Muhl. ex Willd. ssp. strictula (Torr. & A.Gray) Semple – Ar, FNA20, Semple (2003); = Solidago patula Muhl. ex Willd. var. strictula Torr. & A.Gray – C, Fl7, G, K1, NcTx, RAB, SE1, Va, WH3, Johnson (1995); < Solidago patula Muhl. ex Willd. – GW2; > Solidago patula Muhl. ex Willd. var. strictula Torr. & A.Gray – F; > Solidago salicina Elliott – F
Wetland Indicator Status:
Heliophily ?: 8
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