Cladium P. Browne. Sawgrass, Twig-rush, Twig-sedge.
A genus of 3-4 species, herbs, subcosmopolitan.
ID notes: Our species differ greatly from one another in general appearance. Cladium mariscoides is a deliacte to medium-sized plant, culms to 1 m tall, with curled-in, smooth leaf margins. Cladium jamaicense and C. californicum are robust plants, with culms 1-3 m tall, and leathery leaves harshly scabrous on the margins and the midvein below.
Ref: Bridges, Orzell, and Burkhalter (1993); Goetghebeur In Kubitzki (1998b); Tucker (2002a) In Flora of North America Editorial Committee (2002b). Show full citations.
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