Intro: Semi-erect to sprawling, mat-forming annual or short-lived perennial found widely in fields, gardens and many disturbed areas. Native of Europe.
Stems: Stems slender with swollen nodes, branching from base, rooting at nodes and covered with white hairs.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile, oval to elliptic (lower ones usually spoon-shaped), 1 in. or less long, densely hairy.
Flowers: Flowers in compact clusters at ends of branches, white, consisting of 5 deeply notched petals (each appearing to be 2), 5 hairy green sepals, 10 white stamens and 3 styles.
Fruits: Fruit a slightly curved, cylindrical capsule.
Height: 2-18 in.
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description: Semi-erect to sprawling, mat-forming annual or short-lived perennial found widely in fields, gardens and many disturbed areas. Native of Europe.
stems: Stems slender with swollen nodes, branching from base, rooting at nodes and covered with white hairs.
leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile, oval to elliptic (lower ones usually spoon-shaped), 1 in. or less long, densely hairy.
flowers: Flowers in compact clusters at ends of branches, white, consisting of 5 deeply notched petals (each appearing to be 2), 5 hairy green sepals, 10 white stamens and 3 styles.
fruits: Fruit a slightly curved, cylindrical capsule.
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