Intro: Erect perennial found in dry forests and woodlands, woodland borders, longleaf pine sandhills, hammocks and prairies.
Stems: Stems unbranched and finely hairy, especially above.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, on broadly sheathing petioles, divided into many elliptic, somewhat leathery, toothed and finely hairy leaflets; leaves reduced upward.
Flowers: Flowers in large, compound terminal umbel (to 5 in. wide) and umbels from upper leaf axils, the umbellets domed and on slender, hairy stalks; flowers greenish-white, consisting of 5 white petals and 5 long, white stamens.
Fruits: Fruit a green, flattened, winged seed.
Comments: "Venenosa" in the name refers to the highly toxic roots of this plant.
Height: 2-6 ft.
plant sale text:
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description: Erect perennial found in dry forests and woodlands, woodland borders, longleaf pine sandhills, hammocks and prairies.
stems: Stems unbranched and finely hairy, especially above.
leaves: Leaves alternate, on broadly sheathing petioles, divided into many elliptic, somewhat leathery, toothed and finely hairy leaflets; leaves reduced upward.
flowers: Flowers in large, compound terminal umbel (to 5 in. wide) and umbels from upper leaf axils, the umbellets domed and on slender, hairy stalks; flowers greenish-white, consisting of 5 white petals and 5 long, white stamens.
fruits: Fruit a green, flattened, winged seed.
comments: "Venenosa" in the name refers to the highly toxic roots of this plant.
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