Crataegus ×atrorubens Ashe. Hybrid Red Hawthorn. Phen: Late Mar-Apr; Sep-Oct. Hab: Bottomland forests, upland woodlands, brush. Dist: S. IL, MO.
Origin/Endemic status: Endemic
Taxonomy Comments: A putative hybrid between members of the Virides and Molles series. This taxon, described in 1900, is the earliest of a complex of similar hybrids subsequently named by Charles Sargent from the region of AR and e. TX, all apparently from the same serial combination but each entity differing slightly, owing to different genotypes of the parents. Possibly all these putative hybrid taxa by Sargent (C.×abbreviata, C. ×anamesa, C.×antimina, C.×antiplasta, C.×dallasiana, C.×enucleata, C.×poliophylla, C. ×stenosepala, C.×sutherlandensis) could be designated as nothovarieties under C. ×atrorubens, but the differing morphology remains problematic in their re-assignment.
Synonymy: = FNA9; = Crataegus atrorubens – F, Ashe (1900a); = n/a – Il
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