Vaccinium ashei Reade. Rabbit-eye Blueberry. Hab: Wet creek-sides and river margins to mesic pine-hardwood forests, mature pine forests, and dry pine-oak woodlands: margin of the Okefenokee Swamp, bottomland woods by creek, sandy seepage along river, edge of hammock above creek, moist woods on slope above creek, moist Magnolia-spruce pine woods, Magnolia-pine creek bottomland, ecotone of stream head, wooded strip around pond, roadcut bank near creek, roadsides, mesic to moist longleaf pine slopes, cut-over longleaf pine, flat open pineland, open pine-live oak-laurel oak woods, well-drained mixed woods, oak woods on sandy ridge, and very sandy pine-live oak-myrtle oak woods. Dist: E. GA and nc. FL west to e. LA.
Origin/Endemic status: Endemic
Synonymy: = Camp (1945); < Vaccinium corymbosum L. – FNA8, K3, K4, WH3; < Vaccinium virgatum Aiton – Ar, GW2, K1
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