Silene virginica Linnaeus var. robusta Strausbaugh & Core. Large Fire-pink. Phen: Jun-Jul. Hab: Mesic forest margins. Dist: E. WV south through se. KY to e. TN.
ID notes: Silene virginica var. robusta differs from var. virginica in its greater size and numerous pairs of cauline leaves, the leaves larger (7-15 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, vs. 7.5-10 cm long, 0.5-2 cm wide) and smaller calyx (1.5-2 cm long, vs. ca. 2.2 cm long) (Strausbaugh & Core 1952, 1978); it flowers about a month later than nearby populations of S. virginica var. virginica (B.E. Wofford, pers. comm., 2012).
Origin/Endemic status: Endemic
Taxonomy Comments: Var. robusta Strausbaugh & Core, named from locations in e. WV, extends as well to se. KY and e. TN.
Synonymy: = K1, Tn, WV; < Silene virginica L. – C, F, FNA5, G, K3, K4, S, S13, W
Heliophily ?: 6
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