Intro: Erect, rhizomatous perennial of roadsides, old home sites and ditches; cultivated and rarely persistent or escaped. Native of Europe.
Stems: Stem a branching, tuberous, horizontal rhizome at soil surface; the stiff flowering stalk, branching once or twice above the middle, arises from the rhizome.
Leaves: Leaves mostly basal, in 2 ranks, linear-lance-shaped, to 2 ft. long, light green and smooth.
Flowers: Flowers about 6, produced on the flowering stalk from nodes underlain by bracts; purple to pale purple; consisting of 3 ornate, brown-veined, drooping, petal-like sepals with white bases and yellow "beards," and 3 simpler, erect purple-lilac petals.
Height: 2-3 ft.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect, rhizomatous perennial of roadsides, old home sites and ditches; cultivated and rarely persistent or escaped. Native of Europe.
stems: Stem a branching, tuberous, horizontal rhizome at soil surface; the stiff flowering stalk, branching once or twice above the middle, arises from the rhizome.
leaves: Leaves mostly basal, in 2 ranks, linear-lance-shaped, to 2 ft. long, light green and smooth.
flowers: Flowers about 6, produced on the flowering stalk from nodes underlain by bracts; purple to pale purple; consisting of 3 ornate, brown-veined, drooping, petal-like sepals with white bases and yellow "beards," and 3 simpler, erect purple-lilac petals.
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native range: Mediterranean