Xyris correlliorum E.L. Bridges & Orzell. Corrells’ Yellow-eyed-grass. Phen: Aug-Sep. Hab: Lake margins and on floating mats; sometimes growing submerged in shallow water along lake margins. Dist: Endemic in c. FL peninsula (Highlands County).
ID notes: Xyris correlliorum (endemic to Highlands County, FL) and Xyris panacea (endemic to Wakulla County, FL) are the only North American species in this genus that are rhizomatous; both are highly localized and their distributions widely separated. X. correlliorum also has distinctly lacerate petals typically open only mid-day (10AM-2PM) in the late wet season (Bridges and Orzell 2003; Ward 2020).
Origin/Endemic status: Endemic
Taxonomy Comments: See Bridges & Orzell (2003) for additional information.
Synonymy: = K3, K4, WH3, Bridges & Orzell (2003); = n/a – FNA22
Heliophily ?: 9
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