*Commelina caroliniana Walter. Indian Dayflower. Phen: Jun-Oct. Hab: Moist disturbed areas, fields. Dist: Native of India and Bangladesh.
Origin/Endemic status: E. and se. Asia
Taxonomy Comments: Faden (1989, 1993) discusses in detail the taxonomy and history of this species. It was apparently introduced to our area early (perhaps as early as the late 17th century), probably as a weed in rice.
Synonymy: = Ar, C, ETx1, FNA22, G, K1, K3, K4, Mo1, RAB, S, WH3, Faden (1993); < Commelina diffusa Burm.f. – GW1, Brashier (1966), Tucker (1989); > Commelina hasskarlii C.B.Clarke, earliest name applied to the species (in India)
Wetland Indicator Status:
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