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9 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeArnoglossum albumPanhandle Indian-plantainWet pine savannas.Endemic to FL Panhandle (Bay and Gulf counties).image of plant
AsteraceaeArnoglossum atriplicifoliumPale Indian-plantainMesic forests, open woodlands and woodland edges, clearings, prairies, meadows.NY, MN, and NE south to Panhandle FL and LA (attribution to MA is in error, A.Haines, pers.comm.).image of plant
AsteraceaeArnoglossum diversifoliumVariable-leaf Indian-plantainCalcareous swamps, calcareous hydric hammocks.Sw. GA and Panhandle FL, west to s. AL; disjunct in nw. peninsular FL.image of plant
AsteraceaeArnoglossum floridanumFlorida Indian-plantainLongleaf pine sandhills. Open sand gaps in xeric longleaf sandhills.Ne. FL and e. FL Panhandle south to c. peninsular FL.image of plant
AsteraceaeArnoglossum ovatum var. lanceolatumSavanna Indian-plantainWet pine savannas, especially over coquina limestone ("marl").Se. NC to s. FL, west to e. TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeArnoglossum ovatum var. ovatumBroadleaf Indian-plantainBottomlands, bay forests, moist or wet forests.E. GA west to e. LA.image of plant
AsteraceaeArnoglossum plantagineumWestern Indian-plantainPrairies, wet calcareous glades, marshes, bogs, persistent in 'improved' pastures.MI, s. WI, s. MN, and ne. SD south to OH, Nashville Basin of c. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), AL, MS, LA, and c. TX; also reported for sc. SC, in the unpublished flora of the Savannah River Site by Batson, Angerman, and Jones (a record considered questionable without additional documentation).image of plant
AsteraceaeArnoglossum reniformeGreat Indian-plantainCove forests, floodplains, other mesic forests.PA and MN, south to SC (Gaddy 2014), GA, MS, and OK.image of plant
AsteraceaeArnoglossum sulcatumGrooved-stem Indian-plantainBottomland forests.Sw. GA and Panhandle FL west to s. AL.image of plant