Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Asteraceae | Arnoglossum album | Panhandle Indian-plantain | Wet pine savannas. | Endemic to FL Panhandle (Bay and Gulf counties). |
Asteraceae | Arnoglossum atriplicifolium | Pale Indian-plantain | Mesic forests, open woodlands and woodland edges, clearings, prairies, meadows. | NY, MN, and NE south to Panhandle FL and LA (attribution to MA is in error, A.Haines, pers.comm.). |
Asteraceae | Arnoglossum diversifolium | Variable-leaf Indian-plantain | Calcareous swamps, calcareous hydric hammocks. | Sw. GA and Panhandle FL, west to s. AL; disjunct in nw. peninsular FL. |
Asteraceae | Arnoglossum floridanum | Florida Indian-plantain | Longleaf pine sandhills. Open sand gaps in xeric longleaf sandhills. | Ne. FL and e. FL Panhandle south to c. peninsular FL. |
Asteraceae | Arnoglossum ovatum var. lanceolatum | Savanna Indian-plantain | Wet pine savannas, especially over coquina limestone ("marl"). | Se. NC to s. FL, west to e. TX. |
Asteraceae | Arnoglossum ovatum var. ovatum | Broadleaf Indian-plantain | Bottomlands, bay forests, moist or wet forests. | E. GA west to e. LA. |
Asteraceae | Arnoglossum plantagineum | Western Indian-plantain | Prairies, wet calcareous glades, marshes, bogs, persistent in 'improved' pastures. | MI, s. WI, s. MN, and ne. SD south to OH, Nashville Basin of c. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), AL, MS, LA, and c. TX; also reported for sc. SC, in the unpublished flora of the Savannah River Site by Batson, Angerman, and Jones (a record considered questionable without additional documentation). |
Asteraceae | Arnoglossum reniforme | Great Indian-plantain | Cove forests, floodplains, other mesic forests. | PA and MN, south to SC (Gaddy 2014), GA, MS, and OK. |
Asteraceae | Arnoglossum sulcatum | Grooved-stem Indian-plantain | Bottomland forests. | Sw. GA and Panhandle FL west to s. AL. |