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20 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AristolochiaceaeHexastylis arifoliaLittle Brown Jug, Arrowleaf Heartleaf, PigsIn a wide variety of dry to mesic forests.Se. VA, sw. VA, se. KY, se. TN, and n. AL south to se. GA (Carter, Baker, & Morris 2009), Panhandle FL, s. MS, and se. LA, primarily on the Coastal Plain and Piedmont; recently reported for far sw. TN, in the Mississippi Embayment of the Coastal Plain (Trently 2017).image of plant
AristolochiaceaeHexastylis callifoliaGulf Little Brown JugMesic forests.Sw. GA and Panhandle FL west to se. LA, in the lower East Gulf Coastal Plain.image of plant
AristolochiaceaeHexastylis chueyiChuey’s HeartleafShaded slopes with exposed rock near streams and rivers, on acidic rocks.Apparently endemic to the Blue Ridge / Piedmont escarpment of c. VA (Albemarle, Amherst, Nelson, and other nearby counties), where it is locally fairly common; and disjunct to Greene County, TN.image of plant
AristolochiaceaeHexastylis contractaMountain HeartleafOn acidic soils in mesic to dry deciduous forests with Kalmia latifolia and Rhododendron maximum.Endemic to the Cumberland Plateau of TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997) and KY, with disjunct populations in the Blue Ridge of NC and in the Ridge and Valley of sw. VA (Washington County) (J. Townsend, pers.comm. 2006).image of plant
AristolochiaceaeHexastylis finzeliiFinzel's HeartleafRocky, submesic forests.Endemic to Marshall County, AL (as far as is known).image of plant
AristolochiaceaeHexastylis harperiHarper's HeartleafBogs, acid hammocks.C. GA, c. AL, and ne. MS, south and west of (and allopatric from) H. shuttleworthii; it approaches SC and should be sought there (Gaddy 1987b)image of plant
AristolochiaceaeHexastylis heterophyllaVariable-leaf HeartleafSlopes and bluffs in xeric to mesic forests, usually associated with Kalmia latifolia.A broad Southern Appalachian endemic: w. VA and WV south through e. KY, ne. TN, and w. NC to nw. SC, n. GA, and n. AL.image of plant
AristolochiaceaeHexastylis lewisiiLewis's HeartleafUpland forests (pine or oak), pocosin ecotones.Endemic to the Piedmont of VA and the Piedmont and Coastal Plain of NC.image of plant
AristolochiaceaeHexastylis minorLittle HeartleafUpland or moist forests.Endemic to the Piedmont and adjacent Coastal Plain and Mountains of nc. VA, NC, and nc. SC.image of plant
AristolochiaceaeHexastylis nanifloraDwarf-flower HeartleafIn mesic to dry, acidic, sandy loam on bluffs, ravines, slopes, and ridges in deciduous forests, frequently associated with Kalmia latifolia.Endemic to the upper Piedmont of s. NC and n. SC.image of plant
AristolochiaceaeHexastylis rhombiformisFrench Broad HeartleafIn deciduous forests on sandy river bluffs or in ravines with Kalmia latifolia and Rhododendron maximum.Endemic to the southern Blue Ridge of NC and SC, known only from Henderson, Polk, Buncombe, and Transylvania counties, NC, and Greenville County, SC.image of plant
AristolochiaceaeHexastylis rollinsiaeRollins's HeartleafSandy mixed woodlands.Native distribution speculative: Baldwin County, and perhaps also from Coffee County, AL.image of plant
AristolochiaceaeHexastylis roseiRose's HeartleafMoist acid forests under Rhododendron maximum.Blue Ridge Escarpment, so far as is know endemic to Caldwell County, NC. Two populations are now known (Schaner 2021).image of plant
AristolochiaceaeHexastylis ruthiiAppalachian Little Brown JugUpland acidic forests, ultramafic outcrop barrens, calcareous forests.A Southern Appalachian endemic: sw. VA, se. KY, w. NC, e. TN, n. AL, and n. GA.image of plant
AristolochiaceaeHexastylis shuttleworthiiLarge-flower HeartleafAcidic soils in deciduous and deciduous-coniferous forests, often along creeks under Rhododendron maximum.Endemic to the Southern Appalachians: W. NC and e. TN to nw. SC, n. GA, and ne. AL; previous reports of H. shuttleworthii for VA and WV are apparently based on large-flowered individuals of H. heterophylla (J. Townsend, pers. comm. 2008).image of plant
AristolochiaceaeHexastylis sorrieiSandhill HeartleafSeepage bogs, pocosins, typically in association with Osmundastrum cinnamomeum, Sarracenia rubra, and Sphagnum spp.Endemic to Sandhills region of NC and SCimage of plant
AristolochiaceaeHexastylis species 1Buck Creek HeartleafSerpentine barrens.Endemic to the Buck Creek Serpentine Barren, Clay County, NC.image of plant
AristolochiaceaeHexastylis species 5Catawba HeartleafDryish to moist bluffs with heaths.Wc. Piedmont of NC and escarpment region.image of plant
AristolochiaceaeHexastylis speciosaAlabama Heartleaf, Alabama GingerShaded forests along streams and bogs.Endemic to a small area in central AL (Autauga, Chilton, and Elmore counties, north of Montgomery).image of plant
AristolochiaceaeHexastylis virginicaVirginia HeartleafUpland forests.A relatively widespread species, occurring throughout NC and VA, extending west into WV, e. KY, and ne. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997); alleged to have also been collected in 1897 in Putnam County, FL (ne. FL) (Wunderlin & Hansen 2015).image of plant