16 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
FabaceaeLupinus angustifoliusNarrowleaf LupineFields, disturbed areas.Native of Mediterranean Europe.image of plant
FabaceaeLupinus aridorumFlorida scrub.Endemic to c. FL peninsula.image of plant
FabaceaeLupinus bicolorSmall-flowered LupineRoadside bank.Native of w. North America. Reported for AL (Diamond 2016).
FabaceaeLupinus cumulicolaLongleaf pine sandhills and Florida scrub, old fields, roadsides, pastures, and scraped areas, as long as the disturbance is not too frequent.Endemic to the central ridge of peninsular FL.image of plant
FabaceaeLupinus diffususBlue Sandhill LupineLongleaf pine sandhills, sandy roadsides.Se. NC south to Panhandle FL, west to s. MS.image of plant
FabaceaeLupinus floridanusFlorida LupineXeric sands.FL peninsula, east coast scrub and inland scrub, such as the Bombing Range Ridge, north to Lake County (Atchison et al. 2014).image of plant
FabaceaeLupinus luteusYellow LupineDisturbed areas.Native of Mediterranean Europe.image of plant
FabaceaeLupinus ocalensisOcala LupineSandhills and scrub.Nw. peninsular FL, on the Brooksville Ridge and the Sumter Upland, Marion, Citrus, Sumter, and Hernando counties.image of plant
FabaceaeLupinus perennis var. gracilisSouthern Sundial LupineLongleaf pine sandhills and sandy or dry rocky roadsides.E. GA (immediately across the Savannah River from SC), south to n. FL and west to s. AL.image of plant
FabaceaeLupinus perennis var. perennisNorthern Sundial LupineLongleaf pine sandhills, sandy roadsides, other dry (and usually sandy and nutrient-poor) habitats.ME west to MN, south to n. SC, w. VA, e. WV, IN, and IL.image of plant
FabaceaeLupinus pilosiorWoolly LupineLongleaf pine sandhills.FL peninsula, on dry upland sand ridges west of the Lake Wales Ridge, in Pasco, Collier, Desoto, Manatee, Sarasota, and Hardee counties.image of plant
FabaceaeLupinus polyphyllus var. polyphyllusBlue-pod LupineRoadsides, disturbed areas.Native of w. North America.image of plant
FabaceaeLupinus subcarnosusTexas BluebonnetOpen, sandy habitats, roadsides.W. LA west to c. and s. TX, and ne. Mexico.image of plant
FabaceaeLupinus texensisTexas BluebonnetPrairies, roadsides.Sw. AR and se. OK south to s. LA, s. and w. TX, and Mexico (COA, NLE, and TAM).image of plant
FabaceaeLupinus villosusPink Sandhill LupineLongleaf pine sandhills, sandy roadsides and disturbed areas.Se. NC south to n. FL, west to se. LA.image of plant
FabaceaeLupinus westianusGulf Coast LupineCoastal dunes, longleaf pine sandhills.Endemic to Panhandle FL.image of plant