Intro: Erect annual from a taproot, found in fields, roadsides and other disturbed areas.
Stems: Stems simple or branching, stiff-hairy, leaking milky sap when broken.
Leaves: Leaves basal and alternate on stem, petiolate to sessile-clasping, oval to elliptic, 1 1/2-3 1/2 in. long, pinnately divided into toothed lobes, hairy.
Flowers: Flowers solitary at top of stem (may nod in bud but erect in bloom); red and often darker in the center; 1 1/2-2 in. wide; consisting of 4 overlapping round petals, 2 sepals (these drop early), numerous stamens and a large reddish-green ovary with 7-9 stigmas in a radiating array on its top.
Fruits: Fruit a green, ribbed, narrowly oval capsule that elongates and turns brown.
Height: 1-2 ft.
plant sale text:
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description: Erect annual from a taproot, found in fields, roadsides and other disturbed areas.
stems: Stems simple or branching, stiff-hairy, leaking milky sap when broken.
leaves: Leaves basal and alternate on stem, petiolate to sessile-clasping, oval to elliptic, 1 1/2-3 1/2 in. long, pinnately divided into toothed lobes, hairy.
flowers: Flowers solitary at top of stem (may nod in bud but erect in bloom); red and often darker in the center; 1 1/2-2 in. wide; consisting of 4 overlapping round petals, 2 sepals (these drop early), numerous stamens and a large reddish-green ovary with 7-9 stigmas in a radiating array on its top.
fruits: Fruit a green, ribbed, narrowly oval capsule that elongates and turns brown.
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