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28 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
EricaceaeVaccinium altomontanumBlue Ridge BlueberryGrassy balds, heath balds, high elevation forests and woodlands.Higher mountains of the Southern Blue Ridge, from sw. VA to n. GA.image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium angustifoliumNorthern Lowbush Blueberry, Sugarberry, Low Sweet BlueberryAcidic forests and woodlands, cliffs and talus (especially sandstone and quartzite), usually at high elevations.NL (Labrador) and NL (Newfoundland) west to MB, south to NJ, PA, sw. VA, IL, and MN. Recently reported for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (J. Rock, pers. comm. 2009) and from Cheoah Bald, Graham County (E. Schwartzman, pers. comm. 2010 and NCU specimen).image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium arboreumFarkleberry, SparkleberryRocky or sandy woodlands, bluffs, and cliffs, usually xeric and often fire-maintained, and unlike most other Vaccinium, often on mafic, ultramafic, or calcareous rocks.This species is widely distributed in se. North America, from TX and FL north to MO, IN, KY, and VA.image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium asheiRabbit-eye BlueberryWet creek-sides and river margins to mesic pine-hardwood forests, mature pine forests, and dry pine-oak woodlands: margin of the Okefenokee Swamp, bottomland woods by creek, sandy seepage along river, edge of hammock above creek, moist woods on slope above creek, moist Magnolia-spruce pine woods, Magnolia-pine creek bottomland, ecotone of stream head, wooded strip around pond, roadcut bank near creek, roadsides, mesic to moist longleaf pine slopes, cut-over longleaf pine, flat open pineland, open pine-live oak-laurel oak woods, well-drained mixed woods, oak woods on sandy ridge, and very sandy pine-live oak-myrtle oak woods.E. GA and nc. FL west to e. LA.
EricaceaeVaccinium caesarienseNew Jersey Highbush BlueberrySwamps, bogs, moist ground.S. ME south to n. FL.image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium corymbosumSmooth Highbush BlueberryBogs, wet swamp forests, moist high elevation bogs, balds, and forests.NS west to MI, south to WV, OH, and IN, south in the Appalachians (and rarely on Piedmont monadnocks) to w. NC, nw. SC, n. GA, and e. TN.image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium crassifoliumCreeping BlueberryPine savannas, pine flatwoods, pocosin-sandhill ecotones, upland sandhills over clay pans.This species is nearly endemic to the Carolinas, barely extending into immediately adjacent VA and GA.image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium darrowiiDarrow's BlueberryPine flatwoods.S. GA south to s. peninsular FL and west to e. LA.image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium elliottiiMayberryBottomlands, slopes, sandy river terraces, natural levees.Primarily a Coastal Plain species, V. elliottii ranges from se. VA south to n. FL, west to se. TX and AR; disjunct in Coffee County, TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997).image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium erythrocarpumBearberry, Highbush Cranberry, Mountain CranberryRocky ridges, shrub or grassy balds, bogs, spruce-fir forests, usually at high elevations.A Southern and Central Appalachian endemic, V. erythrocarpum ranges from WV through VA to w. NC, e. and ec. TN, and ne. GA.image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium formosumSouthern Highbush Blueberry, Swamp Highbush BlueberryBogs, swamps (especially blackwater, or at least where away from strong alluvial influence), seepages, depression ponds (dolines), other moist ground.NJ south to n. FL and s. AL (and apparently to e. LA), primarily on the Coastal Plain; rarely occurring into the lower piedmont (in NC, as far west as Chatham and Orange counties, for instance).image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium fuscatumHairy Highbush Blueberry, Black Highbush BlueberryBogs, pocosins, swamps, also in uplands.ME and NB to s. MI, south to sc. peninsular FL and e. TX.image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium hirsutumWoollyberry, Hairy Blueberry, Low-lowbush BlueberryMountain slopes and ridges, primarily in pine-oak and oak forests.V. hirsutum is a narrow Southern Appalachian endemic, occurring only in a few counties of sw. NC, se. TN, n. GA, and (allegedly) SC.image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium macrocarponCranberry, Large CranberryBogs (southwards mainly at medium to high elevations), low pocosins with deep peat, interdunal swales.Unlike the circumboreal V. oxycoccus Linnaeus, V. macrocarpon is limited to North America. It ranges as a native plant from NL (Newfoundland) west and south to s. ON, MN, ne. IL, n. IN, n. and c. OH, PA, and NJ, extending south along the Appalachians as a disjunct rarity through WV, w. VA, and ne. and se. TN to w. NC, and south along the outer Coastal Plain as a disjunct rarity in e. MD, se. VA, and ne. and se. NC. The occurrence in the inner Coastal Plain (fall-line sandhills) along the Little River in Cumberland County, NC is questionably native.image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium myrsinitesSouthern Evergreen BlueberryPine flatwoods.Ne. SC (Horry County) south to s. peninsular FL, west to s. MS.image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium myrtilloidesVelvetleaf Blueberry, Sourtop, Canada BlueberryAcidic, high elevation slopes and cliffs.NL (Labrador) west to BC, south to PA, VA, w. NC, WV, IN, and MN. Reported for the NC side of Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Haywood County) (K. Langdon, pers. comm. 2009). The possible occurrence of this species on Grandfather Mountain is based on somewhat ambiguous specimens and needs additional confirmation.image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium oxycoccosSmall CranberryBogs.Circumboreal, south in North America to NJ, PA, WV (Grant, Mineral, Pendleton, Pocahontas, Preston, Randolph, and Tucker counties), IN, and MN. Fernald (1950) reported V. oxycoccos var. ovalifolium Michaux as occurring south to "mts. of N.C." and V. oxycoccos var .oxycoccos as south to "upland of Va. and W.Va.". Scoggan (1979) and Kartesz (1999) repeated the report of Vaccinium oxycoccos as reaching NC; Scoggan’s report is of Oxycoccus ovalifolius (Michaux) Porsild. Most likely, ambiguous collections of V. macrocarpon are the basis for these reports.image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium pallidumHillside Blueberry, Dryland BlueberryForested slopes, usually rather xeric.Widespread in e. United States, V. pallidum is centered in the Appalachians and Ozarks.image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium sempervirensRayner's BlueberrySeepage bogs in the fall-line Sandhills, longleaf pine woodlands over sandstone and gravel outcrops.Endemic to Lexington County, SC, known from only a few sitesimage of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium simulatumMountain Highbush BlueberryForested slopes (northern hardwoods, spruce-fir forests), ridges, and shrub balds, at moderate and high elevations.A Southern and Central Appalachian endemic, V. simulatum ranges from e. KY and sw. VA south through w. NC and e. TN to n. GA and n. AL.image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium stamineum var. 1Dwarf DeerberryPinelands.Se. NC south to GA.
EricaceaeVaccinium stamineum var. 2Appalachian DeerberryXeric to submesic woodlands and forests, including pine-oak/heath and shrub balds.PA south to GA, in the Appalachians and adjacent provinces.image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium stamineum var. caesiumFlorida Deerberry, Whiteleaf DeerberryXeric woodlands.Se. NC south to c. peninsular FL, and west to s. AL.image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium stamineum var. glandulosumPanhandle DeerberryPine flatwoods.Supposedly endemic to the FL Panhandle, but probably also in s. GA.image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium stamineum var. sericeumSouthern DeerberryXeric woodlands.S. SC, w. NC, TN, and AR south to Panhandle FL and TX; disjunct in Mexico (GTO, SLP, and allegedly ROO) (Villaseñor 2016).image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium stamineum var. stamineumCommon DeerberryXeric to submesic woodlands, forests, and rock outcrops (unlike most Vaccinium, often on mafic, ultramafic, or calcareous rocks).MA, NY, s. ON, and MO south to Panhandle FL and TX.image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium tenellumSouthern Dwarf Blueberry, Small Cluster BlueberryLongleaf pine sandhills, pine flatwoods, Piedmont hardpan woodlands, other xeric woodlands.Though abundant in the Carolinas, V. tenellum is rather restricted, occurring as a common species from se. VA to c. GA, with a range extension (where it is scattered and rare) south and west to n. FL, s. AL, and se. MS. Primarily Coastal Plain in distribution, yet locally common in appropriate habitat in the eastern (lower) Piedmont.image of plant
EricaceaeVaccinium virgatumSwamp Blueberry, Rabbiteye BlueberryPocosins and Chamaecyparis swamps, also in various drier habitats, including turkey oak sandhills.A Southeastern Coastal Plain species, V. virgatum occurs from se. NC south to FL and west to e. TX.image of plant