Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Cannabaceae | Celtis iguanaea | Iguana Hackberry | Shell-middens and calcareous coastal sites. | Sw. peninsular FL; West Indies; American tropics. | 
Cannabaceae | Celtis laevigata | Southern Hackberry, Sugarberry | Bottomland forests, especially on natural levees, upland calcareous forests and woodlands, shell middens. | MD, WV, IN, IL, MO and KS south to s. FL and TX. Reported for many states in Mexico by Villaseñor (2016), but unclear what the circumscription being applied there is. | 
Cannabaceae | Celtis lindheimeri | Lindheimer's Hackberry | Ravines, brushlands. | Edwards Plateau of sc. TX, s. TX, and adjacent Mexico (COA, NLE). | 
Cannabaceae | Celtis occidentalis | Northern Hackberry | Xeric to mesic glades, outcrops, barrens, woodlands, and bottomland forests, usually over calcareous substrates. | NH, QC, MB, and MT south to Panhandle FL, nc. TX, and ne. NM. | 
Cannabaceae | Celtis pallida var. pallida | Spiny Hackberry, Desert Hackberry, Granjeno | Dry calcareous thickets, shell middens (FL). | S. FL peninsula; TX west to AZ and southwards into Mexico; n. South America. | 
Cannabaceae | Celtis pumila | Dwarf Hackberry, Georgia Hackberry | Xeric to mesic glades, outcrops, barrens, woodlands, exposed bluffs, stream banks, and disturbed areas, often over calcareous substrate. | NJ, PA, IN, IL, and KS south to Panhandle FL and TX. | 
Cannabaceae | Celtis reticulata | Netleaf Hackberry, Palo Blanco | Dry to moist forests, prairies, chaparral, and mesquital. | AR, KS, CO, ID, and WA south to LA, TX, NM, AZ, CA, and broadly in Mexico. | 
Cannabaceae | Celtis sinensis | Chinese Hackberry | Suburban woodlands. | Native of China, Korea, and Japan. Found naturalizing in Guilford County, NC (W. Cook, pers. comm., 2010). | 
Cannabaceae | Celtis smallii | Small’s Hackberry | Glades, woodlands, forests. | VA and KY south to GA and AL, mainly inland. | 