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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CannabaceaeCeltis iguanaeaIguana HackberryShell-middens and calcareous coastal sites.Sw. peninsular FL; West Indies; American tropics.image of plant
CannabaceaeCeltis laevigataSouthern Hackberry, SugarberryBottomland forests, especially on natural levees, upland calcareous forests and woodlands, shell middens.MD, WV, IN, IL, MO and KS south to s. FL and TX. Reported for many states in Mexico by Villaseñor (2016), but unclear what the circumscription being applied there is.image of plant
CannabaceaeCeltis lindheimeriLindheimer's HackberryRavines, brushlands.Edwards Plateau of sc. TX, s. TX, and adjacent Mexico (COA, NLE).image of plant
CannabaceaeCeltis occidentalisNorthern HackberryXeric to mesic glades, outcrops, barrens, woodlands, and bottomland forests, usually over calcareous substrates.NH, QC, MB, and MT south to Panhandle FL, nc. TX, and ne. NM.image of plant
CannabaceaeCeltis pallida var. pallidaSpiny Hackberry, Desert Hackberry, GranjenoDry calcareous thickets, shell middens (FL).S. FL peninsula; TX west to AZ and southwards into Mexico; n. South America.image of plant
CannabaceaeCeltis pumilaDwarf Hackberry, Georgia HackberryXeric to mesic glades, outcrops, barrens, woodlands, exposed bluffs, stream banks, and disturbed areas, often over calcareous substrate.NJ, PA, IN, IL, and KS south to Panhandle FL and TX.image of plant
CannabaceaeCeltis reticulataNetleaf Hackberry, Palo BlancoDry to moist forests, prairies, chaparral, and mesquital.AR, KS, CO, ID, and WA south to LA, TX, NM, AZ, CA, and broadly in Mexico.image of plant
CannabaceaeCeltis sinensisChinese HackberrySuburban woodlands.Native of China, Korea, and Japan. Found naturalizing in Guilford County, NC (W. Cook, pers. comm., 2010).image of plant
CannabaceaeCeltis smalliiSmall’s HackberryGlades, woodlands, forests.VA and KY south to GA and AL, mainly inland.image of plant