Intro: Small, erect perennial with bright orange rhizomes, found in moist forests, bogs and swamp edges, often on mossy hummocks.
Stems: Stems are leafless, smooth flowering scapes that arise separately from leaves.
Leaves: Leaves basal, petiolate, evergreen and shiny, palmately divided into 3 oval or fan-shaped, toothed, smooth leaflets (1/2-1 in. long).
Flowers: Flower solitary at top of naked scape, white, 1/2 in. wide, consisting of 5-7 narrowly elliptic petal-like sepals surrounding a bushy cluster of white-tipped stamens and bright green styles with curled tips; alternating with the sepals are short, golden yellow, club-shaped petals with cup-shaped tips that hold nectar; the white sepals drop early.
Fruits: Fruit a candelabra-like array of 5-7 tiny, stalked pods, each with a long-tapering tip.
Height: 3-6 in.
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description: Small, erect perennial with bright orange rhizomes, found in moist forests, bogs and swamp edges, often on mossy hummocks.
stems: Stems are leafless, smooth flowering scapes that arise separately from leaves.
leaves: Leaves basal, petiolate, evergreen and shiny, palmately divided into 3 oval or fan-shaped, toothed, smooth leaflets (1/2-1 in. long).
flowers: Flower solitary at top of naked scape, white, 1/2 in. wide, consisting of 5-7 narrowly elliptic petal-like sepals surrounding a bushy cluster of white-tipped stamens and bright green styles with curled tips; alternating with the sepals are short, golden yellow, club-shaped petals with cup-shaped tips that hold nectar; the white sepals drop early.
fruits: Fruit a candelabra-like array of 5-7 tiny, stalked pods, each with a long-tapering tip.
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