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3 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
VitaceaeMuscadinia rotundifolia var. munsonianaMunson Grape, Bullace GrapePinelands, scrub, floodplain forests, banks of blackwater rivers.Sc. GA and s. AL south to s. FL; Bahamas.image of plant
VitaceaeMuscadinia rotundifolia var. pygmaeaScrub Muscadine, Scrub GrapeFlorida scrub.This entity is narrowly endemic in scrub habitats of the c. FL peninsula (Polk and Highlands counties) (Ward 2006b; Weakley et al. 2011).image of plant
VitaceaeMuscadinia rotundifolia var. rotundifoliaMuscadine, ScuppernongDry upland forests (especially sandy or rocky), other forests, swamps, dunes, roadsides, thickets.DE west to s. WV, KY, and MO, south to FL and TX.image of plant

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