22 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
LamiaceaePycnanthemum albescensWhite Mountain-mint, White-leaved Mountain-mintBluff forests, hammocks, other open, mesic forests.S. IL, MO, and se. KS south to GA, AL, MS, LA, and TX. Reported for NC by Small (as Koellia albescens), the basis of the report unknown to me. It is known from nc. GA (Jones & Coile 1988).image of plant
LamiaceaePycnanthemum beadleiBeadle's Mountain-mintForests, woodland borders.A Southern and Central Appalachian endemic: WV, sw. VA and ne. TN south to sw. NC, nw. SC, and n. GA.image of plant
LamiaceaePycnanthemum clinopodioidesForests, woodlands, woodland borders.MA south to NC, SC, and TN, mostly on the Coastal Plain.image of plant
LamiaceaePycnanthemum curvipesTennessee Mountain-mint, Stone Mountain Mountain-mintDry rocky woodlands and rock outcrops (granite or mafic).Sw. NC and se. TN south to nc. GA and n. AL; disjunct in nc. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997) and wc. KY (where found in 2022 in Muhlenberg County, KY by Vanessa Voelker).image of plant
LamiaceaePycnanthemum flexuosumSavanna Mint, Savanna Mountain-mintMoist to wet pine savannas, pine flatwoods, pocosin margins, mountain bogs, seepage areas on low elevation granite domes.Se. VA south to ne. FL, west to Panhandle FL and s. MS (Sorrie & LeBlond 2008) on the Coastal Plain; disjunct inland in bogs and rock outcrops of sw. NC with Coastal Plain affinities, and in sc. TN.image of plant
LamiaceaePycnanthemum floridanumFlorida Mountain-mintLongleaf pine sandhills.Se. GA south to n. peninsular FL and e. Panhandle FL.image of plant
LamiaceaePycnanthemum incanum var. incanumForests and woodland borders.VT west to s. OH and s. IL, south to nc. NC, w. NC, and nc. TN.image of plant
LamiaceaePycnanthemum incanum var. puberulumForests and woodland borders.WV and NC south to FL and AL.image of plant
LamiaceaePycnanthemum loomisiiLoomis's Mountain-mintForests and woodland borders.VA west to IL, south to n. FL.image of plant
LamiaceaePycnanthemum monotrichumSandy woodlands.Allegedly endemic to se. VA
LamiaceaePycnanthemum montanumAppalachian Mountain-mintBalds, soil islands on granitic domes, calcareous woodlands, woodlands, forests, and forest edges.W. NC and e. TN to nw. SC and n. GA, a Southern Appalachian endemic.image of plant
LamiaceaePycnanthemum muticum var. 1Bogs, wet meadows, moist to wet forests.NH and MA south to NC and SC.
LamiaceaePycnanthemum muticum var. muticumBogs, wet meadows, moist to wet forests.NJ and MO south to FL and LA.
LamiaceaePycnanthemum nudumSmooth Mountain-mintWet pine flatwoods.Se. SC south to n. peninsular FL, Panhandle FL, and se. AL. Small (1933) attributes this species to NC; the documentation is unknown (and doubtful).image of plant
LamiaceaePycnanthemum pilosumHairy Mountain-mintUpland woodlands.S. ON west to MI and IA, south to TN, AR, and OK. In c. TN, and reported from a single county in e. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), in se. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993), and WV (Kartesz 1999).image of plant
LamiaceaePycnanthemum pycnanthemoides var. pycnanthemoidesForests and woodland borders.VA and IL south to w. SC and n. GAimage of plant
LamiaceaePycnanthemum pycnanthemoides var. viridifoliumForests and woodland borders.VA and WV south to ec. GA, AL, and Panhandle FL.image of plant
LamiaceaePycnanthemum setosumAwned Mountain-mintLoamy pine savannas, other dry to moist pinelands, hammocks, river bars, tidal swamps.NJ south to ne. FL and Panhandle FL, on the Coastal Plain; not known from MS (Sorrie & LeBlond 2008).image of plant
LamiaceaePycnanthemum tenuifoliumSlender Mountain-mintBogs, wet meadows, moist to wet forests.ME west to MN, KS, and OK, south to FL and TX.image of plant
LamiaceaePycnanthemum torreyiTorrey's Mountain-mintDry rocky woodlands, over mafic, ultramafic, or calcareous rocks, dry powerline rights-of-way.NH west to IL, south to NC and SC.image of plant
LamiaceaePycnanthemum verticillatumWhorled Mountain-mintUpland rocky woodlands.VT west to MI, south to NC and KY.image of plant
LamiaceaePycnanthemum virginianumVirginia Mountain-mintWet meadows, marshes, prairie sloughs, over calcareous or mafic rocks or sediments.ME west to ND, south to NC, nw. GA, n. AL, and OK.image of plant