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Key to Camellia

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1 Sepals persistent; flowers on obvious pedicels; leaves mostly elliptic, usually only slightly acuminate, 2-7.5 cm wide; [subgenus Thea; section Thea]
1 Sepals caducous or deciduous; flowers sessile (or on short pedicels obscured by bracts); leaves mostly ovate, acuminate, > 4 cm wide; [subgenus Camellia].
  2 Petals basally connate (0.5-1.5 cm); stamens connate basally; ovary glabrous; flowering mid-winter to spring; flowers dropping as a whole after blooming; leaves relatively larger; [section Camellia]
  2 Petals distinct or nearly so; stamens separate or barely connate basally; ovary villous; flowering fall to early winter; flowers with petals dropping individually after blooming; leaves relatively smaller; [section Paracamellia]