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Key to Bigelowia

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1 Basal leaves many, 1-2 mm wide; plants strongly rhizomatous and colonial; [of dry clayey or rocky places]
1 Basal leaves few to many, 2-14 mm wide; plants cespitose, or weakly rhizomatous; [of wet to mesic pine savannas and flatwoods].
  2 Plants occurring singly; basal leaves usually without a clearly distinct petiolar region, linear to linear-oblanceolate, mostly > 100 mm long, mostly 2-4 mm wide, usually relatively few and not forming a prominent rosette (the basal and lower stem leaves held vertical to the stem or strongly ascending); involucres 6-7.5 mm high; flowers 3-6 per head; corollas 4-5 mm long
  2 Plants commonly occurring in close clusters; basal leaves with a distinctly narrowed petiolar region, blade elliptic to oblanceolate, mostly < 100 mm long, mostly 4-14 mm wide, crowded in a basal rosette (the leaves mainly appressed to the ground or somewhat ascending); involucres 4-6 mm high; flowers 2-5 per head; corollas 3-4 mm long