Intro: Erect, rhizomatous perennial found in clearings in rich woods, usually on base-rich soils.
Stems: Stems simple, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, large and horizontal, 2-3 times ternately divided into 20-70 sharply pointed and coarsely toothed leaflets.
Flowers: Flowers in a tapering, erect spike, to 1 ft. long, on a tall, leafless, sometimes branched stalk held above foliage; white, to 1/2 in. wide, with 5 sepals that drop early, numerous bushy white stamens and a single style; flowers open in succession upward, so raceme remains in bloom for 2 weeks or more.
Fruits: Fruit an oval, firm-walled follicle.
Comments: Flowers attract pollinators with a sour, musky smell.
Height: 3-8 ft.
plant sale text: Perfect for the back of a shade border or woodland garden, this native perennial develops overtime into a mound of dense, compound foliage accented by tall wand-like white blossoms in mid-to-late summer. The flowers attract pollinators with a sour, musky smell. Actaea racemosa blooms earlier than its cousins in the genus Actaea and prefers rich, humusy, moisture-retentive soil. Its leaves will scorch if the soil is allowed to dry out too much. This is an excellent pollen and nectar source for pollinators.
bloom table text:
description: Erect, rhizomatous perennial found in clearings in rich woods, usually on base-rich soils.
stems: Stems simple, smooth.
leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, large and horizontal, 2-3 times ternately divided into 20-70 sharply pointed and coarsely toothed leaflets.
flowers: Flowers in a tapering, erect spike, to 1 ft. long, on a tall, leafless, sometimes branched stalk held above foliage; white, to 1/2 in. wide, with 5 sepals that drop early, numerous bushy white stamens and a single style; flowers open in succession upward, so raceme remains in bloom for 2 weeks or more.
fruits: Fruit an oval, firm-walled follicle.
comments: Flowers attract pollinators with a sour, musky smell.
cultural notes:
germination code:
native range: eastern North America