Intro: Erect perennial found in moist forests, forest edges and on road banks.
Stems: Stems 1-several from woody root crown, branched, thinly hairy.
Leaves: Leaves alternate; nearly sessile and with linear stipules (about 1/4 in. long); divided into 3 oblong-oval to lance-shaped, finely toothed leaflets (to 4 in. long); thin and smooth to hairy.
Flowers: Flowers on reddish stalks in a widely branched, open, terminal cluster; white (sometimes pink-tinged); 1-1 1/2 in. wide; consisting of 5 widely spreading, unequal, linear petals and a reddish, tubular, 5-lobed calyx that persists after petals drop.
Comments: The similar G. stipulata has leaflets of lower leaves lobed rather than toothed and its stipules are wider and longer (1/3-3/4 in.); it is less frequently seen and more likely on mafic/calcareous substrates.
Height: 2-3 ft.
plant sale text: Mountain Indian-physic has beautiful starry white flowers tinged with pink, each with five slender, pointed petals, in early summer. Its white flowers are held in loose corymbs above its foliage. Its stems are a dark reddish color, as are its persistent calyxes. This member of the rose family has an open, airy habit. It is an easily grown and adaptable perennial that is not often offered for sale. This is a long-lived perennial that is tolerant of droughts, once it has become well established.
bloom table text:
description: Erect perennial found in moist forests, forest edges and on road banks.
stems: Stems 1-several from woody root crown, branched, thinly hairy.
leaves: Leaves alternate; nearly sessile and with linear stipules (about 1/4 in. long); divided into 3 oblong-oval to lance-shaped, finely toothed leaflets (to 4 in. long); thin and smooth to hairy.
flowers: Flowers on reddish stalks in a widely branched, open, terminal cluster; white (sometimes pink-tinged); 1-1 1/2 in. wide; consisting of 5 widely spreading, unequal, linear petals and a reddish, tubular, 5-lobed calyx that persists after petals drop.
comments: The similar G. stipulata has leaflets of lower leaves lobed rather than toothed and its stipules are wider and longer (1/3-3/4 in.); it is less frequently seen and more likely on mafic/calcareous substrates.
cultural notes:
germination code: 2
native range: eastern North America