Intro: Low-growing, stemless, rhizomatous perennial of seepage bogs and pocosins, typically in association with Osmundastrum cinnamomeum, Sarracenia rubra and Sphagnum species.
Leaves: Leaves (2-8) arising directly from the rhizome, petiolate, heart-shaped, variegated to not variegated.
Flowers: Flowers solitary; 2-4 per plant; maroon-red but white to greenish-white at the base; less than 1 in. long; cylindric-tubular with 3 triangular, somewhat spreading lobes; thin-fleshy; longitudinally ridged and reticulated inside tube.
Fruits: Fruit a round, fleshy capsule.
Height: 3-6 in.
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description: Low-growing, stemless, rhizomatous perennial of seepage bogs and pocosins, typically in association with Osmundastrum cinnamomeum, Sarracenia rubra and Sphagnum species.
leaves: Leaves (2-8) arising directly from the rhizome, petiolate, heart-shaped, variegated to not variegated.
flowers: Flowers solitary; 2-4 per plant; maroon-red but white to greenish-white at the base; less than 1 in. long; cylindric-tubular with 3 triangular, somewhat spreading lobes; thin-fleshy; longitudinally ridged and reticulated inside tube.
fruits: Fruit a round, fleshy capsule.
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