Lyonia lucida (Lamarck) K. Koch. Shining Fetterbush. Phen: Feb-early Jun; Sep-Oct. Hab: Pocosins, wet woodlands, blackwater swamp forests, other acidic wetlands, especially if peaty. Dist: Se. VA south to s. FL and west to e. and c. LA; also in w. Cuba.
ID notes: Readily distinguished by the glossy, coriaceous leaves (dark green above, pale green below) with a prominent vein running along the strictly entire margins. When in flower in large numbers, the odor is cloyingly sweet.
Origin/Endemic status: Native
Synonymy: = C, F, Fl5, FNA8, G, GW2, K1, K3, K4, RAB, Va, WH3, Judd (1981), Luteyn et al (1996); = Desmothamnus lucidus (Lam.) Small – S; = Neopieris nitida (Bartram ex Marshall) Britton; = Pieris nitida (W.Bartram ex Marshall) Benth. & Hook.f.
Wetland Indicator Status:
Heliophily ?: 6
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