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Key A2: pteridophytes and lycophytes growing as floating or rooted aquatics
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1 Plant with at least some leaves palmately or pinnately lobed or 1-4× pinnately divided (‘fern-like’) and > 2 cm long | |
1 Plant either a floating aquatic with leaves <5 cm long, or with clover-like or linear leaves. | |
3 Leaves linear. | |
Key A3: lycophytes and pteridophytes with leaves not ‘fern-like’ (unlobed, variously awl-shaped, scale-like, or terete)
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1 Stem (or rhizome) not jointed; leaves scale-like or larger, but if scale-like not borne in whorls at distant joints; spores borne variously, but if in a terminal strobilus the scales not peltate. | |
2 Leaves linear, grass-like, 1-60 cm long, 20× or more as long as wide. | |
5 Leaves 1-12 cm long, spiral-curly; plants terrestrial in peaty substrate, the leaves erect | |
2 Leaves various (scale-like, awl-like, moss-like, or flat), but not linear and grass-like, mostly 1-10 (-20)× as long as wide. | |
6 Leaves either larger or, if scale-like, with 1 or more nerves and longer than the internodes (the leaves thus overlapping); sporangia yellowish to brownish, 1-locular, < 1 mm in diameter; stems either subterranean or surficial rhizomes or erect or ascending (and sometimes dichotomously branched in whole or in part in Huperzia in HUPERZIACEAE, and Diphasiastrum and Dendrolycopodium in LYCOPODIACEAE). | |
7 Plant with leaves very numerous and overlapping along the creeping, ascending, erect, or pendant stems, the leaves scale-like or awl-like, 0.5-2 (-3) mm wide, typically acute, acuminate, or hair-tipped; sporangia either in terminal strobili (axillary to specialized, smaller leaves) or axillary to normal leaves; [Lycophytes]. | |
8 Sporangia borne in flattened or quadrangular strobili sessile at the tips of leafy branches; spores and sporangia each of two sizes, the megasporangia larger and borne basally in the strobili | |
9 Leafy stems erect or pendant, simple or dichotomously branched, the ultimate branches vertically oriented (upwards or downwards); sporophylls like the sterile leaves or only slightly reduced, in annual bands along the stem; vegetative reproduction by leafy gemmae near the stem apex (Huperzia) or lacking gemmae (Phlegmariurus) | |
10 Leaves palmately lobed. | |
12 Plant with many leaves, generally 5 or more, not divided into separate sterile and fertile segments, the leaves either (a) small, 0.3-1.6 cm long, obovate, scattered along a very thin creeping rhizome, or (b) larger, (2-) 8-30 cm long, cordate at base, the tip long-attenuate (often proliferous, bearing a plantlet at the tip). | |
13 Leaf blades (2-) 8-30 cm long, cordate at the base, the tip long-attenuate, often proliferous (bearing a plantlet at the tip); sporangia grouped into indusiate sori on the undersurface; leaf texture moderately thick; rhizome erect or ascending, 1.0-1.5 mm in diameter, the leaves clustered from its tip | |
13 Leaf blades 0.3-15 cm long, cuneate at the base, acute to rounded or obtuse at the tip, not proliferous; sporangia solitary in a marginal pocket on the leaf; leaf texture very thin; rhizome creeping on the surface of rock or bark, either 0.1-0.3 or 0.5-1.5 mm in diameter, the leaves scattered along it | |
14 Leaf blades 2-15 cm long; sporangia borne in round sori on the lower surface of the leaves; leaf texture herbaceous to subcoriaceous; rhizome 0.5-1.5 mm in diameter |
Key C4: rooted aquatics with basal and simple, linear leaves
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2 Plants either somewhat bulbous or not at the base, the leaf-bases not containing sporangia; plant rhizomatous; [Pteridophytes, Eudicots, Monocots]. | |
4 Perianth differentiated, with either 3 sepals and 3 petals or 5 sepals and 5 petals; stamens either 7-many or stamens 4. | |
4 Perianth undifferentiated, with 0, 3, or 6 tepals; stamens 1, 2, or 3; [Monocots]. | |
8 Subterranean portions of plant bearing bladder-traps; flowers yellow or purple, bilaterally symmetrical | |
8 Subterranean portions of plant lacking bladder traps; flowers white, green, gray, radially symmetrical (except bilaterally symmetrical in Glossostigma in PHRYMACEAE). | |
10 Flowers 4- or 5-merous; [Eudicots]. | |
9 Leaves parallel-margined or tapering towards the apex over much of their length; [Monocots]. | |
12 Leaves tapering towards the apex over much of their length; plant either tufted and not rhizomatous, or short rhizomatous;. | |
13 Plant tufted, not rhizomatous; leaves spreading radially; inflorescence a tightly button-like head of very numerous small flowers, white, gray, tan, yellowish, or blackish; roots thickened, septate (not requiring magnification), unbranched | |
13 Planted short-rhizomatous; leaves distichous, equitant; inflorescence either a subglobular, ovoid, or cylindrical head, of spirally imbricate scales, or a diffuse corymb; roots not thickened, not septate, branched. | |
14 Inflorescence a subglobular, ovoid, or cylindrical head of spirally imbricate scales subtending individual flowers; rhizomes and roots not bright red | |
12 Leaves parallel-margined; plant usually rhizomatous. | |
15 Plants of marine habitats, growing submersed in salt water; [FL and the Gulf Coast of AL, MS, and LA] | |
15 Plants of freshwater or slightly to somewhat brackish habitats; [collectively widespread]. | |
17 Leaves lacking a distinct lacunar band along the midvein. | |