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Key to Apocynaceae
5 Leaves linear; corolla yellow, funnelform, ca. 5 cm long; fruit green to brown; [non-native, s. TX and FL peninsula] | |
3 Leaves opposite to subopposite or whorled. | |
6 Plants unarmed, the stems without spines. | |
7 Plant primarily trailing, rhizomatous, and suffrutescent, < 4 dm tall (usually becoming a "ground-cover"); leaves narrowly to broadly ovate; flowers blue, lavender, or white | |
7 Plant erect, > 4 dm tall (2-5+ dm tall in Mandevilla, but plants not trailing and lacking rhizomes) or trailing and obviously woody (Allamanda, which has yellow flowers); leaves either lanceolate or elliptic (oblanceolate to obovate in Allamanda cathartica and Tabernaemontana); flowers yellow, white, pink, or red. | |
9 Flowers cream-colored, long salverform (the floral tube 40-100 mm long and conspicuously pubescent); follicles long-fusiform and pubescent; leaf abaxial surfaces densely gray-white pubescent; plants short shrubs (2-5+ dm tall); [s. TX only in our area] | |
9 Flowers white, pink or red, if salverform the floral tube primarily glabrous and much shorter in length (2-12 mm long); fruit a drupe (Ochrosia) or rounded to long-fusiform follicle (if long-fusiform, then not conspicuously pubescent); [collectively widespread non-natives, including s. TX, but naturalizing primarily in FL] | |
13 Plants shrubs, 10-40 dm tall, much branched from the base; latex clear; flowers white, pink, or red, the anthers connivent and adhering to the stigmas; [commonly cultivated in our area (and sometimes persistent), particularly near the coast; NC s. to FL, w. to TX] | |
14 Leaves oblanceolate, 15-40 mm wide, mostly in whorls of 3-4; plants larger trailing or erect woody vines; follicles rounded and spiny; [non-natives of disturbed habitats, c. and s. FL]. | |
15 Lateral veins of the leaf blades not or only slightly raised on lower surface; seeds winged; corolla tube (below stamen insertion) 2-4 cm long | |
15 Lateral veins of the leaf blades prominently raised on lower surface; seeds not winged; corolla tube (below stamen insertion) 1.0-1.8 cm long | |
2 Plant an erect (or primarily upright) herb or trailing herbaceous vine (occasionally subshrubs in Cataranthus). | |
17 Leaves opposite, petiolate and cordate, 2-4 cm long; plant a trailing herbaceous vine with weak, thin stems (< 2 mm in diameter) | |
19 Flower < 8 mm across; paired follicles pendent, 10-22 cm long; seeds with coma; mature plants normally > 7 dm tall; plants herbaceous | |
19 Flower > 20 mm across; paired follicles erect, 1.5-2.5 cm long; seeds lacking coma; mature plants 2-6 dm tall; plants herbaceous or sometimes subshrubs | |
20 Leaves conspicuously cordate at base (or subcordate to truncate in Vinceotoxicum), ovate to broadly lanceolate, ca. 1-4× as long as wide. | |
22 Stem pubescence usually a mix of long eglandular and short, glandular-capitate hairs (the shorter hairs can be eglandular or glandular-capitate in Matelea); latex white; flowers variously colored: purple-black, maroon, brown, yellow, yellow-green, cream (white in Matelea baldwyniana); gynostegial corona < ½ as long as the corolla lobes. | |
23 Corolla lobes glandular-puberulent or puberulent on the outer surface; dorsal anther appendages absent; follicles muricate (Matelea); leaves lacking a strong burnt popcorn or peanut butter smell when rubbed | |
22 Stems glabrous, glabrate, or puberulent, if so lacking two distinct hair lengths and neither capitate-glandular (the puberulence either in conspicuous lines or of curved trichomes, often retrorse, and of similar length; latex white or clear; flowers primarily white or cream colored (except maroon in Vincetoxicum and occasionally reddish-maroon in Funastrum clausum); gynostegial corona > ¾ as long as the corolla lobes. | |
24 Corona lacking a conspicuous pentagonal ring at the base of the staminal column; latex clear (except white in Cynanchum unifarium); stems glabrous to pubescent (if puberulent, often in lines). | |
25 Flowers primarily white (C. laeve) or cream-colored to yellowish or greenish-white (C. unifarium); corona a fleshy, lobed cup; stems puberulent in a single line (sometimes glabrate in C. unifarium); [natives, collectively widespread in our flora area] | |
25 Flowers light or dark maroon in color; corona not a fleshy cup, nearly as long as to longer than the corolla lobes; stem puberulence (including pedicels/peduncles) either distributed somewhat equally throughout stems or in decurrent lines from nodes; [non-natives, primarily northern and northeastern in our flora area] | |
26 Stem pubescence usually a mix of long eglandular and short, glandular-capitate hairs (the shorter hairs can be eglandular or glandular-capitate in Matelea); latex white; follicles muricate (studded) or smooth (sometimes ribbed, but lacking studs). | |
26 Stems glabrous, glabrate, or puberulent, if so lacking two distinct hair lengths and neither capitate-glandular (the puberulence either in conspicuous lines or of curved trichomes, often retrorse, and of similar length; latex white or clear. | |
28 Latex clear (except white in C. unifarium); stems glabrous to pubescent (if puberulent, often in lines). | |
29 Stems puberulent in a single line (sometimes glabrate in C. unifarium); follicles ovoid to lanceolate-ovoid, (1.5-) 2.0-3.5 cm wide | |
29 Stem puberulence (including pedicels/peduncles) either distributed somewhat equally throughout stems or in decurrent lines from nodes; follicles fusiform to narrowly lanceolate-ovoid, ≤ 1 cm wide | |
30 Leaves linear, the margins parallel. | |
31 Leaves sessile; calyx lobes lanceolate, acute, (1.3-) 1.5-2.5 mm long; leaves sessile, reflexed, persistent; follicle 6-7 mm in diameter; [of ne. NC and southwards] | |
33 Stems herbaceous; corollas maroon-colored throughout, without green corolla margins; [widespread non-natives, ne. US] | |
35 Coronas in 2 whorls, with a conspicuous pentagonal ring present at the base of the staminal column (the structure apparent without dissection of flowers) | |
37 Corolla lobes 7-13 mm long (flowers larger); leaves ovate, deltate, or hastate; plant with eglandular trichomes only; [non-native of disturbed habitats; FL] | |
34 Flowers lacking a corona, white, creamy yellow or pure yellow colored. | |
38 Corolla lobes 8-25 mm long, rounded, spreading, white OR yellow; leaves coriaceous (except Pentalinon, which has membranous to subcoriaceous leaves); [native or non-native]. | |
39 Corolla campanulate (above short cylindric base, view flower from side), the lobes 8-12 mm long; [non-native] | |
39 Corolla salverform or funnelform, long and tubular (viewing flower from the side), the lobes 11-25 mm long; [native, c. and s. FL]. | |
41 Leaf blades elliptic-ovate to orbiculate; calyx lobes 1.5-5.0 mm long, ovate to narrowly triangular; corolla lobes with a distinct limb; peduncles 35-60 mm long; follicles 5-7 mm wide, strongly divaricate; [typically occurring in rocklands, ocassionally in strands or marl prairies] | |