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Key to Apiaceae, Key G: Apiaceae with leaves 2-4× pinnately-ternately compound, the ultimate leaflets broader than 1 mm wide and many >25) and often imperfectly separated from one another (clone); fruits glabrous, not ornamented

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1 Plants perennial or biennial, 3-30 dm tall; rays 12-60.
  2 Fruits 5-11 mm long, 4-7 mm broad; corollas yellow; [native, IN, KY, TN, and AL westward]
  2 Fruits 2-6 mm long, 1.7-3.5 mm broad; corollas white; [either native, NY, NJ, PA, w. VA, w. NC, and s. IN northward, or exotic and widespread].
    3 Fruits 4-6 mm long; plant from a cluster of fleshy roots; [native, rare and northern]
    3 Fruits 2-2.5 mm long; plant from a thickened taproot; [collectively common plant of mostly disturbed areas]
1 Plants annual (perennial in Erigenia and sometimes Anthriscus), 0.5-8 (-10) dm tall; rays 1-7 (or to as many as 20 in Anthriscus, Torilis, and Aethusa).
      4 Plants perennial from a globose tuber; flowering Feb-Mar; [of rich forests]
      4 Plants annual (or sometimes a short-lived perennial in Anthriscus) from fibrous roots; flowering Apr-Jun; [of rich forests or weedy situations].
        5 Rays (1-) 3 (-5); mericarps 5.5-10 mm long, glabrous or pubescent with weak appressed hairs
        5 Rays 3-12; mericarps 3-6 mm long, glabrous or densely bristled with hooked (uncinate) bristles.
          6 Mericarps lanceolate, with an evident beak 1-3 mm long