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1 Leaflets linear, < 1.5 mm wide. |
2 Flowers bilaterally symmetrical; [subfamily Ranunculoideae, tribe Delphineae] |
2 Flowers radially symmetrical. |
3 Aquatic; [native]; [subfamily Ranunculoideae, tribe Ranunculeae] |
4 Flower closely subtended by a finely dissected involucre; pistils compound; [subfamily Ranunculoideae, tribe Nigelleae] |
4 Flower lacking involucre; pistils simple. |
5 Petals 8-15 mm long, red, purple, or orange; [subfamily Ranunculoideae, tribe Adonideae] |
5 Petals 3-5 mm long, yellow; [subfamily Ranunculoideae, tribe Ranunculeae] |
1 Leaflets broader, rounded, lobed, or toothed. |
6 Leaves all cauline, opposite; stems somewhat woody at base; [subfamily Ranunculoideae, tribe Anemoneae] |
6 Leaves basal and cauline, the cauline alternate (or with opposite or whorled involucral bracts). |
7 Petals present, conspicuous |
8 Flowers dangling; petals red, orange with yellow, or blue, spurred; [subfamily Thalictroideae] |
8 Flowers not dangling; petals yellow, not spurred; [subfamily Ranunculoideae, tribe Ranunculeae] |
7 Petals absent or inconspicuous (soon deciduous or altered into a nectary-bearing clavate structure); sepals sometimes petaloid and conspicuous. |
9 Sepals petaloid, conspicuous, white (or cream, rose, pink, or tinged with green). |
10 Involucre absent, all leaves on the stem alternate; petaloid sepals 5, white; [subfamily Thalictroideae] |
10 Involucre of opposite or whorled, leaflike bracts present; petaloid sepals (4-) 5-20 (-30), white, cream, rose, or green. |
11 Basal leaves with 3-5 leaflets, these toothed or incised; petaloid sepals white, cream, rose, or green; [subfamily Ranunculoideae, tribe Anemoneae] |
11 Basal leaves with > 5 leaflets; these with 0-3 rounded lobes at the tip; petaloid sepals white to pale pink; [subfamily Thalictroideae] |
9 Sepals absent, or inconspicuous in comparison to the stamens or pistils. |
12 Leaflets 3; flower solitary; [subfamily Coptidoideae] |
12 Leaflets many; flowers many, in a panicle or raceme. |
13 Inflorescence a raceme; [subfamily Ranunculoideae, tribe Cimicifugeae] |
13 Inflorescence a panicle; [subfamily Thalictroideae] |