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3 Leaflets linear; [exotics]. | |
4 Flowers in a raceme, not subtended by an involucre; fruit follicular, each with a 1-2 mm long beak; [subfamily Ranunculoideae, tribe Delphineae] | |
5 Follicles borne on stipes, forming an umbel-like cluster; rhizomes yellow or orange; [subfamily Coptidoideae] | |
5 Follicles sessile; rhizomes brown or tan; [subfamily Thalictroideae]. | |
1 Fruit an achene. | |
7 Leaves divided into numerous linear segments, all of which are < 1 mm wide. | |
8 Plant aquatic (if leaves divided into numerous linear segments); [subfamily Ranunculoideae, tribe Ranunculeae] | |
9 Achenes 3-5 mm long, glabrous, with a persistent beak 0.5-1 mm long; [subfamily Ranunculoideae, tribe Adonideae] | |
9 Achenes 1.6-2 mm long, tomentose, with a persistent beak 3.5-4.5 mm long; [subfamily Ranunculoideae, tribe Ranunculeae] | |
7 Leaf segments rounded or cleft, > 1 mm wide. | |
10 Leaves basal and/or cauline, cauline leaves (if present) alternate (leaflike involucral bracts sometimes present and opposite or whorled). | |
11 Leaflike involucral bracts not present. | |
13 Leaflets many, unlobed or typically with 3-9 rounded lobes; [subfamily Thalictroideae] |