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Key to Gentianaceae
2 Plants green or purplish-brown, with chlorophyll (hemimycoheterotrophic); [tribe Gentianeae, subtribe Swertiinae] | |
2 Plants white or cream, lacking chlorophyll (holomycoheterotrophic); [tribe Voyrieae] | |
1 Leaves larger, spreading or ascending. | |
3 Stem leaves whorled; plants robust, 1-3 m tall; [tribe Gentianeae, subtribe Swertiinae] | |
5 Calyx lobes 0 (but the flower subtended by 2 leaflike bracts that have sometimes been interpreted as sepals); stem leaves obovate, widest near the rounded tip), 0.5-1.5 cm long, crowded near the tip of the stem, basal rosette never present; [of nutrient-rich, mesic forests]; [tribe Gentianeae, subtribe Swertiinae] | |
5 Calyx lobes 4-5; stem leaves lanceolate, ovate, elliptic or narrowly elliptic (widest near the middle or toward the base, the tip acute or acuminate), mostly > 1.5 cm long, distributed fairly evenly along the stem, basal rosettes sometimes present; [of various more-or-less open habitats (except some species of Gentiana, which can occur in nutrient-rich, mesic forests)]. | |
6 Corolla lobes 5-14, longer than the corolla tube, pink or white; [common natives]; [tribe Chironieae, subtribe Chironiinae]. | |
8 Corolla tube < 2 mm wide; [rare to uncommon exotics, naturalized in disturbed areas]; [tribe Chironieae, subtribe Chironiinae]. | |
8 Corolla tube > 3 mm wide. | |