Intro: Trailing-sprawling perennial of dry woodlands and forests, especially sandhills, and disturbed areas.
Stems: Stems weakly arching and sprawling over other plants, covered with hooked hairs.
Leaves: Leaves alternate; petiolate; 2-times pinnately divided, the ultimate leaflets (9-12 pairs) oblong and sensitive to touch, folding up against each other; also folding at night and in overcast weather.
Flowers: Flowers in round, many-flowered, pom-pom-like clusters (about 3/4 in. wide), on stalks from leaf axils; pink. The most noticeable flower parts are 8-10 prominent pink to rose-purple stamens with yellow anthers.
Fruits: Fruit a long, slender pod, densely covered with prickles.
Height: 3-6 ft. (long)
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Trailing-sprawling perennial of dry woodlands and forests, especially sandhills, and disturbed areas.
stems: Stems weakly arching and sprawling over other plants, covered with hooked hairs.
leaves: Leaves alternate; petiolate; 2-times pinnately divided, the ultimate leaflets (9-12 pairs) oblong and sensitive to touch, folding up against each other; also folding at night and in overcast weather.
flowers: Flowers in round, many-flowered, pom-pom-like clusters (about 3/4 in. wide), on stalks from leaf axils; pink. The most noticeable flower parts are 8-10 prominent pink to rose-purple stamens with yellow anthers.
fruits: Fruit a long, slender pod, densely covered with prickles.
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native range: southeastern United States