Intro: Erect annual of roadsides, fields and disturbed alluvial soil.
Stems: Stems branching, fuzzy to hairy.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, long-petiolate, oval with heart-shaped base, to 4 in. long, finely toothed and petioles and blades somewhat hairy.
Flowers: Flowers in spikes from leaf axils (male flowers) and terminating the stem (female flowers); male flowers 1/8 in. wide, consisting of 4 green to translucent white sepals and several white stamens; female flowers 1/4 in. wide, consisting of several white, long, branching styles, a spiny, green ovary and a surrounding floral bract with several narrow lobes.
Fruits: Fruit a softly prickly, 3-lobed capsule.
Height: 1-2 1/2 ft.
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description: Erect annual of roadsides, fields and disturbed alluvial soil.
stems: Stems branching, fuzzy to hairy.
leaves: Leaves alternate, long-petiolate, oval with heart-shaped base, to 4 in. long, finely toothed and petioles and blades somewhat hairy.
flowers: Flowers in spikes from leaf axils (male flowers) and terminating the stem (female flowers); male flowers 1/8 in. wide, consisting of 4 green to translucent white sepals and several white stamens; female flowers 1/4 in. wide, consisting of several white, long, branching styles, a spiny, green ovary and a surrounding floral bract with several narrow lobes.
fruits: Fruit a softly prickly, 3-lobed capsule.
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