Aesculus parviflora Walter. Bottlebrush Buckeye. Phen: May-Jul. Hab: Mesic forests on bluffs and in ravines (the SC occurrence is on Fall Line river bluffs, with shaley, subcalcareous soils). Dist: Wc. GA west to nc. AL, south to sw. GA and sw. AL; disjunct in wc. SC (Aiken County). See Wyatt (1985) for a discussion of the interesting, relictual occurrence in SC. Sometimes planted outside its native range, where it may persist and spread clonally.
Origin/Endemic status: Endemic
Synonymy: = K1, K3, K4, NY, Pa, S, S13, Du, Harris, & Xiang (2020), Hardin (1957a), Hardin (1957b); = n/a – C, F, RAB
Heliophily ?: 4
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