Intro: Erect perennial from a taproot, found in pastures, barnyards and other disturbed areas. Native of Europe.
Stems: Stems single, slightly ribbed, unbranched (except in inflorescence), sometimes reddish, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves mostly basal, petiolate, oblong-oval, often with a heart-shaped base, to 1 ft. long, undulate-margined, the central vein often red-tinted; any stem leaves lance-shaped and shorter.
Flowers: Flowers in large (to 1 ft. long) terminal cluster, the ascending branches raceme-like with well-spaced whorls of flowers that droop on short stalks. Flowers greenish-red, about 1/4 in. long, consisting of 6 tepals (3 inner, 3 outer); male flowers have 6 stamens and dull yellow inner tepals, while female flowers have a pistil and usually reddish inner tepals.
Fruits: Fruit a tiny achene enclosed in 3 enlarged, triangular-oval tepals with 2-4 teeth on their margins.
Height: 2-3 1/2 ft.
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description: Erect perennial from a taproot, found in pastures, barnyards and other disturbed areas. Native of Europe.
stems: Stems single, slightly ribbed, unbranched (except in inflorescence), sometimes reddish, smooth.
leaves: Leaves mostly basal, petiolate, oblong-oval, often with a heart-shaped base, to 1 ft. long, undulate-margined, the central vein often red-tinted; any stem leaves lance-shaped and shorter.
flowers: Flowers in large (to 1 ft. long) terminal cluster, the ascending branches raceme-like with well-spaced whorls of flowers that droop on short stalks. Flowers greenish-red, about 1/4 in. long, consisting of 6 tepals (3 inner, 3 outer); male flowers have 6 stamens and dull yellow inner tepals, while female flowers have a pistil and usually reddish inner tepals.
fruits: Fruit a tiny achene enclosed in 3 enlarged, triangular-oval tepals with 2-4 teeth on their margins.
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