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Steironema lanceolatum (Walter) Gray. Lanceleaf Loosestrife. Phen: May-Aug; Sep-Oct. Hab: Mesic to relatively dry forests, mafic and calcareous fens, bogs, forest edges, roadbanks, primarily on circumneutral soils. Dist: NJ, PA, OH, MI, and WI south to GA, Panhandle FL, AL, MS, LA, and ne. TX.

Origin/Endemic status: Native

Synonymy : = G, Il; = Lysimachia lanceolata Walter – Ar, C, F, FNA8, K1, K3, K4, Mi, NcTx, Pa, Tat, Tn, Tx, Va, W, WV, Coffey & Jones (1980), Estes, Shaw, & Mausert-Mooney (2015); = Lysimachia lanceolata Walter var. lanceolata – GW2, RAB, WH3; < Lysimachia lanceolata Walter – Fl5; > Steironema heterophyllum (Michx.) Baudo – S; > Steironema lanceolatum (Walter) Gray – S

Links to other floras: = Lysimachia lanceolata - FNA8

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Wetland Indicator Status:

  • Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain: FAC (name change)
  • Eastern Mountains and Piedmont: FAC (name change)
  • Great Plains: FAC (name change)
  • Midwest: FAC (name change)
  • Northcentral & Northeast: FAC (name change)

Heliophily : 7

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image of plant© Bruce A. Sorrie | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Jim Fowler | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Gary P. Fleming | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Alan Cressler: Lysimachia lanceolata, Track Rock Seeps, Union County, Georgia 2 by Alan Cressler source | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Joey Shaw source | Original Image ⭷


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Horticultural Information

NCBG trait

Intro: Erect-ascending, rhizomatous perennial found in moist to relatively dry forests, mafic and calcareous fens, bogs, forest edges and road banks, primarily on circumneutral soils.

Stems: Stems simple or with ascending branches, sometimes reclining and rooting at nodes.

Leaves: Leaves opposite (whorled near top), petiolate or sessile, linear to lance-shaped with tapering base; margins sometimes hairy and leaves lighter green beneath when young.


Flowers: Flowers nod on slender stalks arising from upper leaf axils, 1-4 per axil; yellow; about 3/4 in. wide; consisting of 5 spreading, round, ragged-edged petals with reddish bases, 5 lance-shaped sepals and 5 yellowish-orange stamens.



Height: 1-2 ft.

plant sale text:

bloom table text:

description: Erect-ascending, rhizomatous perennial found in moist to relatively dry forests, mafic and calcareous fens, bogs, forest edges and road banks, primarily on circumneutral soils.

stems: Stems simple or with ascending branches, sometimes reclining and rooting at nodes.

leaves: Leaves opposite (whorled near top), petiolate or sessile, linear to lance-shaped with tapering base; margins sometimes hairy and leaves lighter green beneath when young.


flowers: Flowers nod on slender stalks arising from upper leaf axils, 1-4 per axil; yellow; about 3/4 in. wide; consisting of 5 spreading, round, ragged-edged petals with reddish bases, 5 lance-shaped sepals and 5 yellowish-orange stamens.



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