Intro: Annual herbaceous, parasitic vine, lacking roots and chlorophyll and growing on a wide variety of mostly herbaceous host plants; found on roadsides and in fields and other open, disturbed areas,
Stems: Stems thread-like, yellow to bright orange, climbing, forming twining networks, with numerous small suckers (haustoria) that attach to the host plant.
Leaves: Leaves tiny and scaly or absent.
Flowers: Flowers short-stalked in small clusters, white, about 1/16 in. wide, the corolla bell-shaped with 5 spreading, triangular lobes with pointed tips; the calyx is conspicuously 5-angled.
Fruits: Fruit a rounded capsule, depressed in the center, cupped by the withered flower.
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description: Annual herbaceous, parasitic vine, lacking roots and chlorophyll and growing on a wide variety of mostly herbaceous host plants; found on roadsides and in fields and other open, disturbed areas,
stems: Stems thread-like, yellow to bright orange, climbing, forming twining networks, with numerous small suckers (haustoria) that attach to the host plant.
leaves: Leaves tiny and scaly or absent.
flowers: Flowers short-stalked in small clusters, white, about 1/16 in. wide, the corolla bell-shaped with 5 spreading, triangular lobes with pointed tips; the calyx is conspicuously 5-angled.
fruits: Fruit a rounded capsule, depressed in the center, cupped by the withered flower.
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