Cuscuta Linnaeus. Dodder.
A genus of about 200 species, parasitic, achlorophyllose annual or perennial herbs, nearly cosmopolitan. Variously treated as a monogeneric family, or as a component of the Convolvulaceae; Neyland (2001) and Stefanović, Krueger, & Olmstead (2002) provide molecular evidence for the treatment of Cuscuta as a derived member of Convolvulaceae. Hadač & Chrtek (1970) suggested that Cuscuta should be separated into 4 genera based on chromosome number, morphology, and distribution; if followed, all our native species would be in Grammica and Cuscuta, with Monogynella represented by a few introduced species.
Key advice:Corolla measurements are from the base to the sinuses of the corolla. The infrastaminal scales are transparent structures at the base of the stamens.
Ref: Costea & Nesom (2023) In Flora of North America Editorial Committee (2023c); Costea et al. (2023); Costea, Nesom, & Stefanović (2006a); Costea, Nesom, & Stefanović (2006b); Costea, Nesom, & Stefanović (2006c); Floden & Brant (2018); Gandhi, Thomas, & Hatch (1987); Hadač & Chrtek (1970); Musselman (1986); Neyland (2001); Spaulding (2013a); Stefanović, Krueger, & Olmstead (2002); Williams, Tippery, & Les (2022); Yuncker (1921); Yuncker (1965). Show full citations.
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