Intro: Erect perennial found in marshes, moist meadows, swamp forests and on stream banks.
Stems: Stems stout, smooth, mostly unbranched.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate (but reduced upward), lance-shaped to lance-oval, 4-5 in. long, with toothed margins.
Flowers: Flowers in a tall, terminal spike; brilliant red; bilaterally symmetric, with two spreading lips, the upper lip 2-lobed and with a protruding, gray-tipped filament tube, and the lower lip split into 3 long, lance-elliptic lobes.
Fruits: Fruit an oval to round capsule.
Comments: Hummingbirds and long-tongued butterflies famously visit these flowers.
Height: 2-4 ft.
plant sale text: Green rosettes of foliage produce stalks of brilliant red flowers in late summer. This southeastern native perennial is very attractive to hummingbirds that drink the nectar from the flowers. Cardinal flower is a perennial favorite because of its beauty and versatility. In the wild, it is found in open meadows and alongside streams. It will add beauty and drama to your perennial border or shade garden. Be sure to keep the winter rosettes free of leaves and mulch. 1982-1983, 2001 N.C. Wildflower of the Year.
bloom table text: Green rosettes of foliage produce stalks of brilliant red flowers in late summer. This southeastern native perennial is very attractive to hummingbirds that drink the nectar from the flowers. Cardinal flower is a perennial favorite because of its beauty and versatility. In the wild, it is found in open meadows and alongside streams. It will add beauty and drama to your perennial border or shade garden. Be sure to keep the winter rosettes free of leaves and mulch. 1982-1983, 2001 N.C. Wildflower of the Year.
description: Erect perennial found in marshes, moist meadows, swamp forests and on stream banks.
stems: Stems stout, smooth, mostly unbranched.
leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate (but reduced upward), lance-shaped to lance-oval, 4-5 in. long, with toothed margins.
flowers: Flowers in a tall, terminal spike; brilliant red; bilaterally symmetric, with two spreading lips, the upper lip 2-lobed and with a protruding, gray-tipped filament tube, and the lower lip split into 3 long, lance-elliptic lobes.
fruits: Fruit an oval to round capsule.
comments: Hummingbirds and long-tongued butterflies famously visit these flowers.
cultural notes:
germination code: 1, 4
native range: eastern North America