Intro: Erect annual/biennial of moist to dry forests, rocky woodlands, fields, roadsides and disturbed areas.
Stems: Stems stout, unbranched, often purple-spotted, with a white-waxy coating, smooth or hairy, oozing milky sap when broken.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, with clasping bases, variable in shape, 4-12 in. long, the largest toothed or deeply divided into narrow segments, dull-whitish or shiny and mostly smooth.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) numerous in tall, open-branching terminal cluster; heads about 1/3 in. wide, consisting of 15-20 yellow (purplish with age) ray florets with squared-off, toothed tips. Tightly held, purple-tinged, green bracts surround the cylindric to urn-shaped base of each head.
Fruits: Fruit a fluffy cluster of white-tufted, flattened achenes.
Height: 4-10 ft.
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description: Erect annual/biennial of moist to dry forests, rocky woodlands, fields, roadsides and disturbed areas.
stems: Stems stout, unbranched, often purple-spotted, with a white-waxy coating, smooth or hairy, oozing milky sap when broken.
leaves: Leaves alternate, with clasping bases, variable in shape, 4-12 in. long, the largest toothed or deeply divided into narrow segments, dull-whitish or shiny and mostly smooth.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) numerous in tall, open-branching terminal cluster; heads about 1/3 in. wide, consisting of 15-20 yellow (purplish with age) ray florets with squared-off, toothed tips. Tightly held, purple-tinged, green bracts surround the cylindric to urn-shaped base of each head.
fruits: Fruit a fluffy cluster of white-tufted, flattened achenes.
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