Intro: Erect annual/biennial of swamp forests, bottomland forests and cleared areas in bottomlands, often in mucky soils.
Stems: Stems stout, hollow, branched in inflorescence, light green to reddish-green.
Leaves: Leaves alternate; petiolate; elliptic to oblong-lance-shaped; 2-8 in. long (reduced and sessile upward); deeply lobed, with the lobes nearly opposite (pinnate), irregular in shape and toothed.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in branched terminal clusters and smaller clusters from leaf axils; heads about 1/2 in. wide, consisting of 5-15 yellow ray florets encircling a center disk of tiny, golden yellow, tubular florets.
Fruits: Fruit a small, tufted achene.
Height: 1-3 ft.
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description: Erect annual/biennial of swamp forests, bottomland forests and cleared areas in bottomlands, often in mucky soils.
stems: Stems stout, hollow, branched in inflorescence, light green to reddish-green.
leaves: Leaves alternate; petiolate; elliptic to oblong-lance-shaped; 2-8 in. long (reduced and sessile upward); deeply lobed, with the lobes nearly opposite (pinnate), irregular in shape and toothed.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in branched terminal clusters and smaller clusters from leaf axils; heads about 1/2 in. wide, consisting of 5-15 yellow ray florets encircling a center disk of tiny, golden yellow, tubular florets.
fruits: Fruit a small, tufted achene.
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