Intro: Erect perennial of dry woodlands, barrens and sandhills.
Stems: Stems branched above, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, mostly sessile, rigid, linear to narrowly elliptic, to 3 in. long, smooth.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in a flat-topped, branching, terminal cluster; heads about 1 in. wide, consisting of 3-6 long-petaled, white ray florets encircling a small center disk of tiny, white to cream, tubular florets. Several series of green-and-white bracts surround the cylindric to oblong base of each head.
Height: 8-24 in.
plant sale text: Common throughout North Carolina, narrow-leaf whitetop aster is found growing in dry open woods and fields in sand, clay and gravel, and in thin soils over granite outcrops. Beginning in early summer this aster produces a branched cluster of bright white flowers. Use this aster to brighten a dry section of the summer landscape and to attract a variety of bees, wasps and other pollinators to your garden.
bloom table text:
description: Erect perennial of dry woodlands, barrens and sandhills.
stems: Stems branched above, smooth.
leaves: Leaves alternate, mostly sessile, rigid, linear to narrowly elliptic, to 3 in. long, smooth.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in a flat-topped, branching, terminal cluster; heads about 1 in. wide, consisting of 3-6 long-petaled, white ray florets encircling a small center disk of tiny, white to cream, tubular florets. Several series of green-and-white bracts surround the cylindric to oblong base of each head.
cultural notes:
germination code: 2
native range: eastern United States