Intro: Erect perennial found in rich, moist forests.
Stems: Stem a stout, pale green to purple-green, leafless (except for some tiny bracts) flowering stalk, emerging in spring separately from the autumn-winter leaves.
Leaves: Leaves 1 per plant, emerging in fall and lying on ground; oval, to 8 in. long, bluish-green with raised, white, parallel lines; withers by spring.
Flowers: Flowers (3-15) arranged in a loose raceme topping the scape; greenish-yellow with magenta highlights, 3/4-1 in. long, bilaterally symmetric and consisting of 3 narrowly oblong-lance-shaped sepals and 3 central unequal petals, 2 of which form a "hood" over the reproductive parts, and the bottom one forming a scallop-edged, white and pink lip.
Comments: Fruit an ellipsoid capsule.
Height: 8-20 in.
plant sale text:
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description: Erect perennial found in rich, moist forests.
stems: Stem a stout, pale green to purple-green, leafless (except for some tiny bracts) flowering stalk, emerging in spring separately from the autumn-winter leaves.
leaves: Leaves 1 per plant, emerging in fall and lying on ground; oval, to 8 in. long, bluish-green with raised, white, parallel lines; withers by spring.
flowers: Flowers (3-15) arranged in a loose raceme topping the scape; greenish-yellow with magenta highlights, 3/4-1 in. long, bilaterally symmetric and consisting of 3 narrowly oblong-lance-shaped sepals and 3 central unequal petals, 2 of which form a "hood" over the reproductive parts, and the bottom one forming a scallop-edged, white and pink lip.
comments: Fruit an ellipsoid capsule.
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native range: eastern North America