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38 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis aphyllaScale-leaf AgalinisWet pine savannas.Se. NC south to ne. FL and Panhandle FL, west to e. LA.image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis asperaTall Agalinis, Rough GerardiaDry upland prairies, loess hill prairies, open woodlands.WI, MN, and s. MB south to s. IL, s. MO, and s. OK.image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis auriculataEarleaf FoxgloveGlades, barrens, blackbelt prairies, dry prairies, and disturbed clearings over mafic rocks (such as diabase and gabbro) or calcareous rocks.KY and OH west to MN, south to n. AL, wc. AL (Schotz 2009), AR, and TX; also rarely disjunct east of the Blue Ridge, in NJ, n. VA, and nc. SC. In Lewis County, KY (D. White, pers. comm.).image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis caddoensisCaddo Parish AgalinisOak woodlands.Endemic (as far as is known) in nw. LA.
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis decemlobaSandplain AgalinisDry clayey or sandy woodlands, coastal sand plains.MA south to GA and AL.image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis densifloraOsage Agalinis, Fineleaf GerardiaPrairies, dry limestone areas.KS south through OK to sc. TX.
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis divaricataPineland AgalinisLongleaf pine sandhills.GA (Decatur County) south to c. peninsular FL, west to MS (Sorrie & LeBlond 2008)image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis edwardsianaPlateau AgalinisThin soils over limestone.Endemic to the Edwards Plateau and vicinity (east to Bastrop County), c. TX.
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis fasciculata var. fasciculataLongleaf pine sandhills, pine savannas, prairies, barrens, oak savannas, disturbed sandy areas, roadsides.Se. VA south to c. peninsular FL, west to e. TX, northward in the interior to s. IN, s. IL, sw. MO, AR, e. NE, and nc. TX.image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis fasciculata var. peninsularisDunes, hammocks.Endemic to s. peninsular FL.image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis filicaulisSpindly AgalinisWet pine savannas, bogs, prairies.E. GA (Tattnall County) south to c. peninsular FL and Panhandle FL, west to w. LA.image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis filifoliaSeminole AgalinisLongleaf pine sandhills, Florida scrub, coastal scrub.S. GA (east to Liberty County) south to s. FL, west to sw. AL (Baldwin County) (Sorrie & LeBlond 2008).image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis flexicaulisHampton AgalinisWet pinelands.Endemic to ne. FL (Bradford County, to be expected in adjacent counties).
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis gattingeriGattinger's Agalinis, Midwestern AgalinisBarrens, glades, outcrops, woodlands.ON, MN, and NE south to AL, MS, LA, and TX.image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis georgianaGeorgia Agalinis, Boynton's AgalinisMesic to wet pine savannas, bogs.S. GA (Crisp, Dooly, Lowndes, Thomas, and Worth counties) south to w. Panhandle FL (Carter, Baker & Morris 2009).image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis harperiHarper's AgalinisWet pinelands, interdune swales.E. NC south to s. FL, west to e. TX; n. Bahamas. Reported for SC (Kartesz 1999) and for NC and SC (Canne-Hilliker & Hays in FNA17) {investigate}.image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis heterophyllaPrairie AgalinisMesic prairies, streamsides, ditches, roadsides.GA west to s. MO, AR, e. OK, and e. TX (reported for NC in FNA17).image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis homalanthaFlatflower AgalinisSandy terraces.W. MS, AR, and e. OK south to w. LA and TX.
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis laxaLong-pedicelled AgalinisLongleaf pine sandhills, dry pine flatwoods.E. SC south to GA and c. peninsular FL.image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis linifoliaCoastal Plain depression ponds, cypress savannas, wet pine savannas.Se. NC south to s. FL, west to e. LA; disjunct in e. DE (reports for MD and VA are in error).image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis maritima var. grandifloraSouthern Saltmarsh AgalinisTidal marshes.E. NC (or allegedly also se. VA, but with no known documentation) south to s. FL, west to s. TX and TAM; West Indies; Yucatan.image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis maritima var. maritimaNorthern Saltmarsh AgalinisTidal marshes.NS and s. ME south to se. VA (and ne. NC?).image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis navasotensisNavasota AgalinisLongleaf pine savannas, rocky prairies.Endemic to e. TX.image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis obtusifoliaPine savannas, wet pine flatwoods, sandhill seeps, bogs, Black Belt prairies.DE south to s. FL, west to e. LA, and in the interior north to KY and TN.image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis oligophyllaMoist to dry longleaf pine savannas, chalk outcrops, seepage bogs, moist to wet barrens and meadows.Sc. TN (Coffee and Warren counties) (as A. pseudaphylla) (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), c. and s. AL, west through s. MS to w. LA.image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis paupercula var. borealisBogs, wet, peaty soils on lake and pond margins.QC to MN, south to PA and ne. IL.
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis paupercula var. pauperculaCalcareous fens, pond shores.NS west to MB, south to NJ, PA, OH, IN, IL, and IA. A specimen purporting to be this species from sw. VA (Washington County) is depauperate, immature, and unidentifiable; it is more parsimoniously assumed to be A. purpurea, rather than a disjunct occurrence of this species.image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis plukenetiiPlukenet's AgalinisLongleaf pine sandhills, other dry forests.SC south to c. peninsular FL, west to wc. LA, and northward in the interior to extreme se. TN (Polk County) (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997).image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis pulchellaBeautiful AgalinisPine savannas and longleaf pine sandhills.S. GA west to e. TX.image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis purpureaCommon AgalinisWoodlands, wet meadows, roadsides, in a wide variety of open habitats.NS west to MN, south to s. FL and e. TX.
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis setaceaThreadleaf AgalinisLongleaf pine sandhills, Florida scrub, other dry forests and openings.NY (Long Island) south to ne. FL, c. peninsular FL, and AL.image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis skinnerianaGlades, dry prairies, bluffs, fens, especially over calcareous substrates, open oak woodlands, in MD in sandy fields and barrens.ON, OH, MI, and WI south to Coffee County, TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), MS, and LA; disjunct in Coastal Plain of MD (Prince Georges County, MD; Maryland Wildlife and Heritage Service 2016).image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis species 1Florida Keys AgalinisPine rocklands.Endemic to the Florida keys (Monroe County).
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis strictifoliaStiffleaf AgalinisGrasslands, dunes, mesquital.E. and ec. TX south to s. TX and Mexico.image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis tenellaDelicate AgalinisLongleaf pine sandhills, other dry woodlands.SC south to n. FL, west to AL; allegedly disjunct in Amelia County, VA. Not believed to be present in NC or VA, contrary to reports (Sorrie in Weakley et al. 2017).
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis tenuifoliaSlenderleaf AgalinisWooded slopes, savannas, granitic outcrops, roadsides, other dry habitats.ME, ON, MI, and MO, south to FL and LA.image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis virgataWand AgalinisDrawdown zones of pineland ponds.NY south to GA.image of plant
OrobanchaceaeAgalinis viridisGreen AgalinisMoist prairies, chalk prairies of the Black Belt, bottomlands.W. AL, MS, and e. LA west to MO, e. OK, AR, LA, and e. TX.