Intro: Erect to ascending, bushy annual found in sandhill woodlands, openings in other dry forests and sandy roadsides.
Stems: Stems slender, weakly angled, profusely bushy-branched, dull green suffused with purple and mostly smooth.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, narrowly linear to needle-like (no more than ¼ in. wide.), to 1 1/2 in. long, smooth.
Flowers: Flowers long-stalked and in terminal racemes; rose-pink, 1/2-1 in. long, bilaterally symmetric and tubular, opening to 5 erect or spreading, hairy lobes; densely long-hairy within the tube and with 2 yellow streaks and dark pink spots. The shorter, bell-shaped calyx has 5 triangular "teeth."
Fruits: Fruit a many-seeded, round capsule.
Height: 6-27 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect to ascending, bushy annual found in sandhill woodlands, openings in other dry forests and sandy roadsides.
stems: Stems slender, weakly angled, profusely bushy-branched, dull green suffused with purple and mostly smooth.
leaves: Leaves opposite, narrowly linear to needle-like (no more than ¼ in. wide.), to 1 1/2 in. long, smooth.
flowers: Flowers long-stalked and in terminal racemes; rose-pink, 1/2-1 in. long, bilaterally symmetric and tubular, opening to 5 erect or spreading, hairy lobes; densely long-hairy within the tube and with 2 yellow streaks and dark pink spots. The shorter, bell-shaped calyx has 5 triangular "teeth."
fruits: Fruit a many-seeded, round capsule.
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native range: southeastern United States