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Support the Flora of the Southeastern US

2024 has been a banner year for making the best flora we can imagine. We've created:
With financial support from people like you, we are aiming even higher in 2025. Together we can accomplish all this: Vote on our 2025 priorities
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  • Professional graphic keys (polyclaves) to individual families/genera vote
  • 2 new FloraQuest apps: Florida & Mid-South vote
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  • iNaturalist integration in FloraQuest vote
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We've set a goal of recruiting 200 ongoing supporters to donate $15 or more each month in 2025. Please help us reach this goal and make next year's flora even better:
9 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
OleaceaeLigustrum japonicumJapanese PrivetDisturbed places.Native of Japan and Korea.image of plant
OleaceaeLigustrum lucidumGlossy Privet, Broadleaf PrivetDisturbed places.Native of China, Japan, and Korea.image of plant
OleaceaeLigustrum obtusifolium var. obtusifoliumDisturbed places.Native of Japan.image of plant
OleaceaeLigustrum obtusifolium var. suaveAmur PrivetDisturbed places.Native of Japan.
OleaceaeLigustrum ovalifoliumCalifornia PrivetDisturbed places.Native of Japan.image of plant
OleaceaeLigustrum quihouiWaxy-leaf PrivetGlade margins, suburban woodlands, disturbed places.Native of China. Though seemingly established only rarely in parts of our area, this species has the potential to become another noxious "shrub weed" across the region. Reported for AL by Diamond & Keener (2012).image of plant
OleaceaeLigustrum sinenseChinese Privet, Privy HedgeMoist forests, especially alluvial bottomlands, and also in a wide range of other forests, woodlands, glade edges, etc.Native of China.image of plant
OleaceaeLigustrum tschonoskiiTschonosky PrivetSuburban forests.Native of Japan, Korea, and Sakhalin. Known in the flora area "only from the woods along the bank of Rock Creek in Rock Creek Park" (Nesom 2009a; Shetler and Orli 2000)image of plant
OleaceaeLigustrum vulgareCommon PrivetDisturbed places.Native of Europe and n. Africa.image of plant