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Key to Delphinium
2 Lower bracts of the inflorescence (at least 2 of them) with 3 or more lobes; pistil densely pubescent; follicle 12-25 mm long. | |
4 Spur < 12 mm long; upper bracteoles overlapping the flower, attached 1-4 mm below the flower | |
4 Spur > 12 mm long; upper bracteoles not overlapping the flower, attached 4-20 mm from the flower. | |
5 Inflorescence with 3 or fewer branches; stems glabrous to sparsely puberulent; follicles 12-25 mm long | |
6 Follicles divergent; inflorescence a raceme or divergently branched panicle, 0.5-2 (-3) dm long; flowering plants 2-9 (-13) dm tall; flowering Mar-early Jul; [section Diedropetala; subsection Grumosa]. | |
8 Lower stem pubescent; sepals puberulent; stem leaves 1-8 at anthesis; sepals deep blue, bluish purple, pink, or white; [widespread in our area, especially inland provinces and rarely Coastal Plain]. | |
9 Stems 2-6 dm tall; flowers (sepals) deep bluish purple, pink, or white; lower stem glabrous or nearly so; [usually in deep shade, widespread in our area] | |
6 Follicles erect; raceme > 3 dm long; flowering plants 5-20 dm tall; flowering May-Sep. | |
10 Seeds wing-margined, the surfaces smooth; stem below the inflorescence glabrous; flowering plants 8-20 dm tall; flowering Jul-Sep; [section Diedropetala; subsection Exaltata] | |
10 Seeds with prominent transverse ridges; stem below the inflorescence pubescent; flowering plants 2-10 (-15) dm tall; flowering May-Jul; [section Diedropetala; subsection Virescens]. | |
12 Midstem leaves with 3-9 ultimate segments, each 3-10 mm wide; roots with an elongate, vertically oriented, central axis; flowers (sepals) white to blue; [sw. AR and LA west to c. and s. TX, COA, NLE, and TAM] | |