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8 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
FabaceaeRobinia hartwigiiGranite Dome Locust, Highlands Locust, Hartwig's LocustForests and outcrop edges on high elevation granitic domes, also clearings; disjunct in longleaf pine sandhills.Apparently endemic to a small area around Highlands, NC; and disjunct in the Sandhills of SC (Aiken County; Patrick McMillan, pers. comm., 2015); also in the Ouachita Mountains of AR, where seemingly native (in remote locations) (T. Witsell, pers.comm., 2023).image of plant
FabaceaeRobinia hispida var. fertilisArnot Bristly LocustWoodlands and forests.Apparently endemic to the Southern Appalachians of w. NC and e. TN.image of plant
FabaceaeRobinia hispida var. hispidaCommon Bristly LocustWoodlands and forests, and as an escape in disturbed areas and roadsides.Probably originally endemic to the Southern Appalachians (and perhaps adjacent provinces) of NC, SC, GA, TN, and VA, now widely distributed in e. North America as an escape from cultivation.image of plant
FabaceaeRobinia hispida var. kelseyiKelsey's LocustMountain woodlands, introduced elsewhere.Traditionally considered an endemic originally restricted to w. NC, but Cronquist (1980) and Isely & Peabody (1984) suggest that var. kelseyi may have been only of horticultural origin.image of plant
FabaceaeRobinia hispida var. roseaBoynton's LocustPitch pine woodlands, other mountain woodlands.Originally distributed from se. KY, s. VA, and e. TN south to nw. SC, n. GA, and ne. AL, now occasionally found outside that range as an escape from cultivation.image of plant
FabaceaeRobinia nanaSandhill Bristly Locust, Dwarf Bristly LocustLongleaf pine sandhills, dry rocky forests (especially associated with chestnut oak).Se. and nc. NC south through SC to GA and AL.image of plant
FabaceaeRobinia pseudoacaciaBlack LocustForests, woodlands, disturbed areas, roadcuts.Native in the s. and c. Appalachians, from PA south to GA and AL, and the Interior Highlands, now much more widespread, throughout e. and c. North America, also widely cultivated and escaped in Europe.image of plant
FabaceaeRobinia viscosaClammy LocustMountain forests and woodlands, roadsides, disturbed areas, rare in wild, uncommon as an escape.Originally a Southern and Central Appalachian endemic, ranging from PA south through w. MD, w. VA, e. WV, w. NC, and e. TN, to n. GA and n. AL, now much more widespread as an escape from cultivation. Reported for GA Coastal Plain (Marion County) (Carter, Baker, & Morris 2009).image of plant

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