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7 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeXanthium ambrosioidesOn ballast.Allegedly native of South America.
AsteraceaeXanthium chinenseCockleburBarnyards, pastures, bottomlands, other disturbed areas.Widespread in e. North America, and now nearly cosmopolitan; its original distribution uncertain. Despite the name, this species is likely native to e. North America.image of plant
AsteraceaeXanthium echinatumCockleburDunes, beaches.VA northwards along the coast.image of plant
AsteraceaeXanthium orientaleDisturbed ground, roadsides, pastures, barnyards.Widespread in e. North America, and now nearly cosmopolitan; the details of its original distribution uncertain.image of plant
AsteraceaeXanthium speciosumDisturbed areas, prairies, roadsides.MN to SD, south to MO, OK, TX, and Mexico.
AsteraceaeXanthium spinosumSpiny CockleburFields, disturbed ground.Apparently native of South America.image of plant
AsteraceaeXanthium strumariumEuropean CockleburBallast, waste areas near ports.Native of Europe.image of plant

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